Lisa looked up at him and saw his dark hair and his eyes gradually deepened. He said, "I deeply dislike it when people indulge in mobile phones or other electronic products."

His body exuded a strong scent of freshness from his shower. Compared to the careful and precise manner in the daytime, the person whose figure was brightly lit by the two bedside lamps on the wall was now more casual and relaxed.

"These days, who doesn’t play on mobile phones? Mr. Jeon, how old are you mentally?" Even as Lisa said this, she still cooperatively put down the phone. She obviously can’t escape so it was best to spend some time with this person. After all, she was sitting on the same bed as this talented, handsome and great director.

"Probably I'm really old?"

She wondered if he deliberately lowered his voice, so that the sound lingered in her ears and created a double effect of hypnosis and awareness.

Her scalp tingling, she desperately thought of a topic. “Director Jeon, in fact, I’ve been curious and wanted to ask if you can tell me about the usual things in the studio?” 

Lisa’s palm was full of sweat, deeply aware that she was on a strange bed with a man she was not really close to. Then, remembering that they were already a couple, she was able to relax somewhat.

Jungkook perceived her little emotions, rested quietly on the bedside, and slowly told her about the details about filming. The result was that the more he spoke, the more committed and eloquent he became.

After hearing about some of the works from the GCF, Lisa found herself beginning to appreciate some of the unique plots and details in Jungkook's films, including his habit of passionately talking about it.

He had long gotten used to all kinds of flattery and praise, from the master predecessors to the admiration of countless younger generations, but it was still very surprising to discover that many of her ideas had never been heard before, more similar to the average audience. It was thought-provoking, but it also brought some unique perspectives about what type of girl she was.

“The lighting filter and the clothing set of Cloud Headdress was amazing. Also, how can Daniel be so handsome. If one day I met him on the road...”

After that, the topic was extended to the merits of the camera stand, how to shoot the thrilling long shots in movies, and to discuss Jungkook’s plans.

"When there are opportunities in the future, you can come to the scene."

Lisa's mood was high. "Really?"

"I am just afraid that you will feel bored." Jungkook put down the document in his hand and looked look at her face, then said, "Yes. You can also think about what kind of wedding you want. After I finished the show, we should be able to do it."

"It doesn’t really matter. Anyway, I’m not worried......"

Lisa still thought that she needed more time to adapt to her new identity.

At this time, the music player outside the bedroom changed to a foreign love song. She noticed that the beautiful lyrics seemed to be alluding to sex. The room, which had originally been focused on drinking and chatting, suddenly had a little bit of an awkward atmosphere The reason could be the red wine, or that the man in front of her eyes was so attractive to her. She felt a little dizzy and, thinking of the sweet and hot first kiss that afternoon in the office, she suddenly became very warm.

When her body fell backward, she suddenly found herself wrapped in a warm embrace. At the same time, she could instantly feel that underneath Jungkook’s thin shirt was a fit and powerful body.

She hurriedly looked up to meet a pair of deep and dark eyes, even as his lips descended.

At first, the kiss was slow and reassuring, almost gently placating. But, gradually, by degrees, he began to skillfully explore her mouth, as if she was a territory he longed to conquer. For her part, this entanglement became full of joy and comfort.

Some things couldn't be describe with words but could only be felt.  Jungkook looked down at her eyes and his burning gaze reminded her of something that Chaeyoung had once said, "There is no need for a man to take off your clothes. If he really wants you, he can strip you completely with just his eyes."

Jungkook’s hot gaze at this moment was almost so direct there was nowhere to escape, exuding a powerful magnetism that was purely, blatantly male.

“You, what do you want to do..."

“I didn't intend for us to have a fake marriage. We can fulfill the husband and wife obligations." He held her fingertips that had trembled, like a competent lover. “But I will never force you.”

Jungkook’s back was slightly rising and falling. Lisa’s forehead had faints beads of sweat as she was pressed down on the soft bed, his lips brushing against her skin, soft as silk. And the skin tingled and grew heated in the aftermath of his lips.

"What do you think?"

Lisa heard this question and looked up in a daze. She met his gaze and the intensity of it caused her to swallow. She suddenly became confused, not out of fear, but more by the sensation that her body was soaked in warm water.

The beauties in his circle were probably dazzling, and the director was a very popular title. What's more, he was Jungkook, who was eccentric and indifferent and obsessed with filming. Lisa didn’t know if he had been with countless other people, but, suddenly, she realized that she quite minded.

She didn’t know when the music from the living room stopped playing, but the shyness on her face became more and more attractive under the wash of bright lights.

"I don't know..." Her words were swallowed up by another strong kiss, mixed in the scent of his coffee and shower gel and red wine. "Jungkook..."

But, suddenly, she became dazed again because, in the glare of light, she saw his smooth chest. Seeing the outlines of his wide shoulders and firm pectoral, the muscles of the abdomen taut with power, Lisa wanted to cry “Foul!” How could she resist this abdominal muscle!

Under the caress of his fingers and tongue, she gradually felt the wet tides of desire, the taste as if arriving at a beautiful peak and being unable to resist. Even breathing had become difficult.

“Relax, don't be nervous...Yes...Let me in…”

Jungkook's hoarse voice was a low rumble, heavy with rare desire. Even he himself was surprised when he detected it. Was it right to let himself indulge in this uncontrollable situation?

“Right now, I probably still can..."

But she was resolutely clinging to his shoulders, trying to get closer to him, to hug him, to approach him, like a traveler wanting to hold on to the only source of light on a dark, dark night. There was no hesitation.

This action of hers caused all thoughts to fled, making him only want to bury himself inside her soft body.

Lisa was swept up in a vast storm, and there was only one conscious thought left in her mind: from now on, she could only depend on this man. Above her, his expression was especially gentle.

"Is it good? I need to go faster...."

"Mmm..." Her voice was a low and ambiguous moan. His large hand held her smaller one, fingers tightly entwined, even as his other hand explored and fondled the curves of her body, igniting a wet fire within her.

She bit her bottom lip, her body trembling as she endured his fierce entry. Then, Jungkook resolved any possible resistance with a soft and overbearing kiss.

She responded with a clumsy tongue. A leg inadvertently wrapped around his waist and this action made him hot all over. After calming her pain, he pulled her into the flames of desire and carried her along the undulating river of pleasure.

The desire of the body always comes earlier than the awakening of love.

A Lifetime Of Care Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz