29. If Only Dogs Could Talk

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OMG two chapters in one day? Girl, you on a streak!

yes yes, u read right, chapter 29 is out, and it's short. I just wrote it, i had to give u guys something to make up for my aweful  previous chappito. So, this is a pretty important part, it'll lead to the climax, i expect tears from yall in the next chapter, well, i'm not sure, but some emotion, YOU COLD HEARTED FOOLS! haha, joking, that's just me. Yeahh...so just make sure u comment, i want to know who my dedicated fans are, i wanna share ma love to yall. So comment and vote, i worked relly hard on this, joking, no i didnt. but show me the love!

29. If Only Dogs Could Talk

The rest of the week passed by in a blur, I was pissed because it was the last week before the hellholes of

I don't mean it, of course he's not a dog. He's more like a capuchin monkey! He prank called me two nights before, around 3 in the morning, making monkey noises and screeches.

"I have caller id you dumb sh*t!" I screamed at him, and then hung up. He called me 3 times that same night, it came through unknown, probably because of that *67 you have to dial, and imitated some kind of capuchin/drug lord monkey, I shut my phone down and went back to sleep.

As if my worries weren't enough, it includes the possibility that my boyfriend was rewinding through his evolution years and going back to the primate phase, mom was acting weird. She talked to me less when she came home Tuesday night, she didn't come home till late at night, she often fussed a lot and spent a lot of time on the phone. I shrugged it off, mothers, who can understand?

"I say we go to Navy Pier," Drew started discussing his plans Thursday morning at the breakfast table, "We'll ride that slow-ass Ferris wheel, share a romantic kiss, then go up the Willis Tower, stand in that transparent glass on the top floor and piss ourselves outta fear and watch the fireworks." He looked up at me, taking a sip of the orange juice. "Whaddaya think?" I stared at him straight-faced. To tell you guys the truth, I didn't invite him over, Mrs. Maddox wanted Drew to go over and enjoy my company, but that just called for making more breakfast so my company-enjoying mood had already been ruined.

"I think," I pause for dramatic effect, seeming like I'm trying to find the right words, "It's B-S, do you want me to tell you the full form of that abbreviation?" Drew tapped his finger impatiently on his forehead.

"You mean what your mom said when you were born?" Drew slurred. It took me a moment to realize that he meant my mom must've said bullshit when I was born, I masked my slow-recessing face with a stunned one.

"That's not nice!" I throw a piece of burnt toast at him. He chuckled.

"You took such a long time to grasp my comeback," Was it that obvious?

"Did not," I cross my arms.

"You're extremely slow," Drew shook his head. I glared,

"Taking in your GPA, I wouldn't be surprised you beat me by a mile," He curves his lips into a wicked smile, I could tell he had a comeback, but decided to let it pass. Changing the subject, Drew asked,

"How's Kool-Aid doing?"

"Don't even take his name," I'm sure a vein popped in my forehead. He gave a hearty laugh.

"What'd my sweetheart do this time?" He asked in a southern accent, I would have laughed, but just the name of that dog brought mixed feelings all over; anger, revenge, psychotic-ness, if that's even a word.

"Let's just say, I can't find a single one of my undergarments that have no holes or tears in them, and he pooped out my Xavier Samuel autograph out last night."

"Ooh, must've sucked,"

"The fact that my most prized possession was found in a dog's behind, or that I have to go shopping for new intimacy apparel?"

"Depends, do I have to come with you in the latter?"

"Yes, I am not going to Victoria's Secret without somebody, since Izabela decided to opt out of it and spend her valuable time with your moron Gingerbread heisting brother," I emphasized it, I still hadn't forgotten what a fool he made me look like at the Christmas party, and how it ended into a catastrophe.

"I'm a guy," Drew said in his manliest voice. I snorted, covering my mouth.

"That's what the records say," I murmured. Drew heard it though, and whacked the burnt toast at me, I caught it, "Toasty!" I yelled, hugging the burnt toast. Drew laughed. I put Kool-Aid on a leash, secretly tightening his collar so I could hear him shriek in pain. I am such a horrible person, I should really be arrested for animal abuse, but Kool-Aid should be arrested for human abuse too, so I didn't mind giving him some pain.

We drove to the mall, it was pretty cold, which is common about the weather here. It's mostly cold, but then there'll be those days were God decides to spit fire on us and we're out in our booty shorts and stringy tops, but then there are those days where somebody's really screwed up there and turned on the water pipes, it's a total downpour. But today, it was like any other day in Chicago, freezing cold.

"You should put your seatbelt on," Drew warned me.

"Pass," I murmur, hoping traffic would move fast. Some dumbass driver skidded his car a couple of cars ahead of us, crashing into another car, there's blood and gory, but I care more about my undergarments right now.

"Click it or ticket," Drew sang the motto of our lame authorities.

"Shut your mouth up," I sang back.

"They really need to salt the roads here," Drew complained a tone of seriousness in his voice.

"I agree," I said, nodding my head. I started speeding after we escaped the traffic.

"Drive slow you psycho!" Drew yelled, "Your car can skid!" I didn't listen, that's a one in a million chance, I hope.

"Calm down, I'm an experienced driver," I assure Drew.

"That sounds more like a question to me," Drew replied, I glared at him.

"Because it is," I grin, Drew smacks me on the arm.

"Stop scaring me!" I laugh maliciously, and then it happened really fast.

I don't know how, but I lost control of the wheel, my tires skidded across the icy roads and before I could comprehend anything, my car was spinning. I yelled something, my stomach lurching forward, it happened in a second, the car was spinning, and spinning towards a pole, and then the front of my car kissed the pole, roughly, and I lunged forward, the sound of breaking glass erupting in my head, my head pounding. The loud blaring of my horn continued, filling my ears with an annoying ring, something gushy oozed down my head, a smell of metal sickening my brain. Before I blacked out, I heard Drew call out my name.

OMG!! I KNOW, so sad! They were going New years eve shopping! atleast, for bras and undies, but still! how horrible! The next chapter is going to be pretty sad/cute, so stay tuned. and please comment and vote, lemme know what yall think, is it okay? good? too rushed?

-This is sarah kay signing off with another amazing chapter, stay tuned till the next update.


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