Chappy 7

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hello hello everyone! and welcome to the investigation chapter. before we begin, i have two things i would like to point out.

first up is this amazing artwork done by my friend @Kachiexe on wattpad!! (F/N) looks SO cute, with the way she's pointing at herself and her little facial expression, and i like the way her shoes look, as if she's slipping, or running. overall, it's just SO amazing and i love it so much!! <3

secondly, during this investigation chapter (and every investigation chapter to become), (F/N) will be mentally solving the case in her head, as in, putting together evidence, ruling out suspects/people who she believe CANT/CAN be the killer, etc etc. (F/N) is self aware and smart, so she'll have her thought process ruled out by mentally figuring out the killer.

well, that being said, let's investigate! enjoy~! <3


Under that table in the back corner of the dining hall...your esteemed leader, Byakuya Togami, had been killed. You were shocked still, as you hadn't moved from your position since you had uncovered his body.

"Byaku...ya...?" Sonia uttered, as she stared at the table in horror. "Wh-Why is Byakuya...?"

"N-No..." Mahiru stuttered. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

As more and more screams elicited from the Ultimates behind you, you were still shocked still, only moving to look at Hajime, who was the exact same as you. You both met your eyes with the exact same look of disbelief and horror, since the man who had promised that nobody would be killed, was now dead before your eyes.

"...Wh-Why!?" Mahiru stuttered.

"WHAT IS THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSS!?!?" Nekomaru yelled, grabbing the sides of his head furiously.

"GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Teruteru yelled, as he came into the dining hall, looking at what had happened to Byakuya.

"Th-This... It's impossible...!" Kazuichi muttered.

"I-I don't think it isn't...i-if we're seeing it right now..." You stuttered.

"This...can't be real blood, right? It's gota be something like jam our sauce..." Ibuki said."C-C-Cause...if not, th-this is... A-blub-blub-blub-blub!"

As Ibuki's mouth had begun to fill up with that weird, white foam again, Monokuma had popped up.

"Good gracious... Things quickly took a turn for the worse..." He mused. "My my, now this is interesting! On this tropical paradise known as Jabberwock Island, the very first murder has has finally taken place!" you hated that word more than ever at the moment.

"H-Hold on! Then, does this mean...!?" Nagito strained.

"One of us...killed Byakuya..." You completed the sentance.

"Wha-!? Th-That can't be possible!" Hajime exclaimed.

"Well, if you look at the body, you can tell instantly. He was obviously murdered." Monokuma said. "Look, he has such a horrible expression on his face, don'tcha think...?" He asked, basically teasing all of you, due to the fact that Byakuya's dead body was facing down, on the floor...his face couldn't be seen. "A face filled with regret that his life was ended by force, all thanks to someone else's selfish desires... To have a dying face such as this... If this isn't murder, then what the heck could it be?" Monokuma monologued.

"Byakuya was most likely someone who reaaaaaaaaally wanted to leave this island." He said.

"L-Lies..." Hajime mumbled. "It's all lies! You're lying that he was murdered!"

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