another real A/N

849 7 1

Hi random strangers of the internet, how y'all doing?

Okay first I gotta thank y'all for this

What the actual hell? Why would y'all spend your time on me and my three am fanfiction?

Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it. I thought I would be just wasting my time wanting to be a fanfiction writer and no one would read it. God I'm so popular. If you all were never here I would never write more and get this popular.

I realized I have to do something for y'all.

Anyways to thank you I will try to write a smutshot (warning: It's going to be awful) and I have an idea for a soulmate AU but angst? Do you like that idea? If you all like it I might turn it into a book.

Thanks for all of your hilarious and nice comments.

Don't forget to check out my friends
Especially these two: BabyLilDeku and HoNeYiShRuNk

I'm here writing bullshit while they write actual stories

If you want me check out some of your stories tell me which ones

Okay byeeee


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