Thanksgiving special!

Start from the beginning

As I finished getting dressed I saw a few messages from Mr.Aizawa in the class group chat. He told us we would be doing something special today? Does he mean for Thanksgiving or just extra work-

I walked back downstairs and saw Katsuki setting down two plates of food. "Thank you for making food Katsuki!" He looked at me and gave me a small smile "Just hurry up and eat while I get ready so we can leave." I nodded and sat down at the table, enjoying the breakfast he made.

I wonder what Mr.Aizawa DOES mean by were doing something special today though, he usually doesn't do a lot considering how much he sleeps. I pushed the thought aside and finished eating. I put my dishes in the sink and washed them off and set them on the drying rack.

Just as I finished cleaning it, Katsuki walked down and tossed something at me. I caught the object and it was a box? "Huh? Katsuki what's this?" He tched and looked away, pink now visible on his cheeks. "Just open the damn thing!" I opened the bos, and inside was a large black scarf with orange x's on them. "Awww! Thank you Katsuki! It was starting to get cold so I needed to get a scarf anyways, thanks!"

He walked over to me and kissed my forehead, "Now let's go dumbass." I chuckled and we both walked to the front door to put our shoes on. We grabbed our bags and went outside to start walking. I grabbed the scarf and started to wrap it around my neck, when suddenly Katsuki grabs one end and wraps it around his neck, pulling us closer together.

Awwww! Softie Katsuki! I held his hand and we walked to UA. As we walked inside the school, the smell of turkey and pies hit our noses like a truck. It smelled amazing! We walked up to the 1-A door and when we opened it, I was surprised to see everyone already there.

The classroom was also rearranged, the desks were pushed against the wall and had food on top of it. There was also a T.V in front of the podium and it had youtube pulled up on it, specifically a Just Dance playlist. Jiro had also just set up speakers from what it looked like. Mr.Aizawa was also dressed nicely and had his hair semi-up! Wow!

Everyone looked at me and Katsuki and the girls came up and hugged me "(Y/N)!" "Hehehe! Hey girls! What's going on?" Mina looked at me confused "You don't know?" I shook my head no and scratched the back of my neck "I uh...Hehe...Never celebrated Thanksgiving before so I'm not sure what's going on."

All the girls looked at me with wide eyes. "Did- Did I say something weird?" They all exploded "YOU'VE NEVER CELEBRATED THANKSGIVING!?" I shrunk back at the sudden outburst "U-Uh yeah?" Katsuki took the scarf off him and I, giving me the freedom to look around the room more. The girls took me around the room explaining everything we were gonna do today, to sum it up, we were gonna stay in the class all day and eat in here during lunch and put on a movie.

Mina spoke up, "Though, they did a lot this year! I wonder why, they usually just give us Thanksgiving themed food at lunch." Mr.Aizawa cleared his throat, gaining our attention "It was brought up to me that you had never celebrated before, so I talked to the principal and we changed the plans for today." Huh? All of this...Was changed for me? I looked over at Katsuki and he just grinned.

I ran up to him, tears in my eyes, and I hugged him "Thank you Katsuki..." He lifted my head to face him, "I won't usually show it but I love you (Y/N)...Dumbass..." There's the Katsuki I know...

Throughout the day we all danced, sang, ate, and had fun. It was on of the best days of my life so far, I'm glad things played out the way they did... Wait! What if I can see everyone! I pointed to Iida "Iida! Take my place in the competition for while! I gotta talk to Mr.Aizawa!" He was hesitant but he gave up and got up to dance.

I found Mr.Aizawa in the corner of the room watching everyone. "Mr.Aizawa? Can I talk to you outside?" He nodded his head and we walked outside the classroom. "What do you need (L/N)?" I took a deep breath "I was wondering...Is there any way I could meet up with Toga and them..? I still wanna see them..." He tensed at my question and I dropped my head, he's probably gonna say no...They are villains after all...

I heard Mr.Aizawa sigh and say my name, I looked back up at him "Look (L/N), I'll see what I can do. Don't be shocked if you can't see them though." Tears filled my eyes, threatening to spill, as I hugged him. "Thank you Mr.Aizawa..."

After School

After school Mr.Aizawa pulled me aside before I could leave (L/N) stay back." I looked at Katsuki "Go ahead without me, I know the way home." He nodded and left. After everyone filed out Mr.Aizawa looked at me "You said there was an apartment they bought you? You can go there but just know me and another pro hero will be waiting in a car in the parking lot to take you home afterwards." I hugged him again "THANK YOU MR.AIZAWA!!"

I gave him the address to the apartment and the house number mine was just in case. I told him I would take a portal so he could go without me. After he left I texted Toga

LilSis: Toga! Can you get Kurogiri to make me a portal from my classroom to my apartment?

VampSis: Sure! Want us to meet you there!

LilSis: Yes Please!

VampSis: See you soon then!

Just as she had sent that text, a familiar purple portal appeared in front of me. I sent Mr.Aizawa a quick text I was there and walked through the portal. As I walked in, I saw all the LOV there. Tears filled my eyes and I went to hug everyone. I ran to Toga "I missed you so much..." "I missed you too (N/N)..."

Many of the greetings were tear filled and emotional. Kurogiri suddenly showed up with a bunch of food. "Huh? What's with the food Kurogiri?" "I had a feeling we would see you today so I made food in advance. Happy Thanksgiving Ms.(Y/N)."

We all sat at the table, I sat in between Dabi and Toga, and we all dug into the feast Kurogiri had made. After we were done we all went around the table and said what we were thankful for, then it came to me. "Im thankful for..." I smiled and looked around the table "I'm thankful I can still see everyone..!"

For the next hour we all hung out and played quick games when suddenly I got a text from Aizawa. It read "Finish it up, you still have school tomorrow and Bakugo is starting to get angry I won't tell him where you are." My smile faded as I read the text, for a while I had forgotten that I couldn't stay with them...I shot him a text to give me 10 minutes to say goodbye. He told me if it took longer than ten he was coming up there and grabbing me.

Toga noticed I no longer had a smile and said, "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" I shot up from looking at my phone and looked at her, all eyes were on me and Toga. "I-I'm fine! It's just...I only have 10 minutes left before my teacher comes up here and takes me back..." Toga hugged me "Well I'm glad you could see us...But don't worry!" She stopped hugging me and smiled "You will see us again very soon! I just know it!" I smiled again and started saying my goodbyes.

After 7 minutes everyone had started filing into the portal to leave. Shiggy, Dabi, and Toga stayed behind. Shiggy walked up to me and handed me some gloves, similar to a pair that I gave him so we could hug and he could use a phone. Dabi threw me a jacket that was similar to his, the patchwork looked so similar. And Toga hugged me again, "I don't really have anything I can give you since I already gave you my tie and jacket."

We both laughed and said our final goodbyes. Just as the portal closed Mr.Aizawa walked in, "Lets go (Y/N) you need to go back." I nodded and followed him. I put on the jacket and gloves, along with the scarf Katsuki gave me. We walked to his car and drove home.

I can't wait until I see them again...

Bakugo x Depressed Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now