"Sounds like a plan!" I answered, smiling. I loved smiling. I forgot how amazing it was to smile. We waited by my locker for Niall, like we had the last week, since I obviously wasn't going to leave him to eat by himself...I loved that I had Ryan, but that didn't mean that I was just going to ignore the one person who has been with me since this whole disaster known as high school started. Never- not for anyone. 

"Hey guys!" Niall said, skipping up to us happily. "I was thinking...today you can go without me." I looked at him funnily, obviously he could tell I was about to protest. "No- seriously. You guys have been busy after school for the last two weeks and lunches are your only time together. Just this once, I won't intrude." He said, winking. I smiled faintly at him, still unsure. 

"You sure? Niall, it's not a bother... you're my best friend." I said, looking up at Ryan to see if he was agreeing with me. 

"Yeah mate- Lou's right- we love having you with us." He answered, smiling sincerely. I was glad that Ryan liked Niall so much- they were such a laugh together. I was also glad that Harry didn't shun Ryan either, though he didn't treat him as kindly as he had before he found out... I didn't want Ryan's life ruined because of me. I did find it odd though...if Harry hated me so much he hated Niall because he talked to me...why was the same not true for Ryan?

"I know- everyone loves me, you all can't help it." He answered cockily. "But today I'm just gunna go grab some shitty food from the cafe, though, if you guys wanna bring me back your leftovers...I'm not complaining." He said, making me laugh. 

"Alright, sure thing Niall- thanks." Ryan replied, squeezing my shoulder lightly and dragging me down the hallway. 


"Think Niall is going to like what I ordered for him?" I asked Ryan as we hopped out of his car and made our way into the school. Ryan snorted.

"First of all, when would Niall ever say no to food? I've known him like eight days and can even tell that much is true. And you know him best- I''m positive you picked out something he'll love." He answered, wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing the top of my head. I blushed as a girl getting into our locker looked in our direction. I loved that Ryan wasn't embarassed of me...but that didn't mean / wasn't still embarassed of me. I spent so much time trying to be invisible, and in less than three weeks, Ryan Brookes was ruining all my hard work. 

"Okay, if you say so." I replied, smiling at him. 

We made it to the hallway we always used to eat in, but Niall wasn't there. Huh- odd, where the hell else would he go. Ryan and I shot each other questioning looks.

"It's a nice day...maybe on the bleachers?" He asked. We went outside and checked by the football field, but no sign of our little leprachaun. I pulled out my phone and tried calling him, but no answer. Honestly, I was getting nervous, though I didn't know exactly why.

"Maybe...he wanted to eat in the caf?" Ryan asked, shrugging hesistantly. I snorted- hell no. That kid would never eat in there. It was loud, full, and left us open for Harry and his clan of dickheads to annhilate us.

"Maybe, yeah." I answered anyways. We had run out of other places to look, and he wasn't answering his phone. Might as well check the caf. Maybe he had some buddies I didn't know about? That would make me both happy that he wasn't just stuck with me all the time, and sad, because that meant that while he had other friends to hang with, he had wasted his time trying to be nice to me.

We made it to the doors of the caf, and I looked around, scanning all the tables. No sign of anyone remotely fitting his description. My eyes roamed around once more, this time, acccidentally making eye contact with Harry- who was looking right at me.

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