Chapter 7

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This is probably going to be really short...uhh... yeah im so sorry xD



Ugh, I don't understand why Ryan was dragging me to his house again. Not the I hadn't been there before...but usually I tried avoiding the place when his dad was home.

Colonel Rick Brookes. Scary ass man. Who hated me, I was sure of it. Well, no I wasn't- I wasn't sure about any part of this man. He was strict as hell, as patriotic and christian as they come. He loved his family, that was obvious, but I don't know how he felt about me. He had never cracked a smile in all the times I had seen him (granted, I had only seen him twice, but still!) nor had he ever spoken in a regular indoor level voice. Everything was also shouted, and I don't even think it was inttentional. Everything about that man was... startling, I guess I could say. I never knew what to expect, and it made me nervous as all hell. As a general unspoken rule, we avoided Ryan's house. 

Apparently, not tonight it seemed. 

"Why can't we go to my house again? Or out?" I asked as we walked up his steps and onto his wrap around porch. He dug out his key and unlocked the front door, walking into a warm and inviting foyer. Everything in this house was huge, or expensive looking- did I mention Ryan's family was slighlty loaded? Not like....mcmansion but...enough that I felt like if I broke something I would have to be indentured to  the Brooke family for twenty years to pay it off.

"Because, I have something important to tell you." Ryan answered. He All day, and I didn't know why. It was making me more and more nervous though, I can tell you that. Was he secretly a murderer? part of the mafia? What could be so important that we had  to speak here.

"And the restaurant down the street won't work because?" I asked, smiling. His lips twitched up in a half smile that was clearly fake for my benefit. His warm brown eyes were completely void of all emotion though, like he was hiding something. For a moment I worried that all of this...all we were was a big fat joke that Harry and him had played on me. Then I came to my senses, and realized that Ryan wasn't that kind of man, nor was Harry. 

"Because it's important." Ryan told me, looking down. He took my hand in his own, and we walked into the den area, where his father was already sitting straight as a board. His mother, who was absolutely beautiful, was pouring tea, talking quietly to her husband about something. When we entered the room, they looked up, suddenly quiet. I said hello, and sat down awkwardly next to Ryan, who looked as awkward as I did. 

"Good afternoon Louis!" Mr. Brookes shouted at me, startling me as usual. I looked up in alarm, smiling timidly at him.

 "Afternoon sir." I answered. He nodded, looking over at the tea his wife was handing him. Well, that's usually all the small talk he makes with me, I guess today- no matter how important the information, is no different. 

"So...Louis honey," Melanie- Ryan's mom, said, looking over at me with this empathetic and worried look on her face. "I think its safe to say we all know how well you and my Ryan like each other. You look so adorable togather too." She cooed, Mr. Brookes rolling his eyes behind her back which made me want to laugh, but wasn't sure if he would be offended. I could never tell if he was joking or not...

"Thank you." I said, smiling warmly. Ryan took my hand again and squeezed it reassuringly. 

"And we are so happy for you but uhm..." She continued, looking as awkward as I felt. "Well, Ryan I'm sure has told you about how Rick is in the army. In his position...he is important, and when his country needs him know how Ryan has been to nine different schools in his life, always bouncing around.... this is..." She stumbled on her words, which isn't like her. 

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