chapter five

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> Laura felt anger seeping into her veins , she had a feeling that seńorita Carlotta would not make the bestest of friends with her . And she couldn't believe the nerve of Rodriguez , how could he not defend his mother against that vile creature that was spewing nonsensical words.His arrogance was getting to her .Lord help me not to do anything that will send me to jail , she silently prayed to herself .She could not forget the kiss they shared and how he said her name sent shivers down her body like electricity.No, she had to stop thinking like this about this arrogant Spanish man , I mean she was engaged to victor.

Speaking of Victor she should probably give him a ring tomorrow .He must be going crazy with worry for her .She really loved Victor he had been with her for a while ,ever since time immemorial. She sighed at her mixed feelings for the cońde Tomorrow they would be having dinner with Dr.camillo , he was a good friend .She had to think of a way to convince the cońde to allow the cońdesa's operation.

As she drifted off to sleep , all she could see was seńor Rodriguez's face .Damn she had to stop thinking about this man, like his perfect body and his well sculpted biceps and the way his shirts outlined his abdonimal muscles. She wondered how it would feel to trail her fingers over him. He looked like a perfect greek god !!!!

She woke up screaming, she was having the same dream again .After a few moments the cońde budged into her room looking murderous. He held her as she cried into his shoulder .When she had finished tearing up is when she noticed that he did not have a shirt on . She licked her lips unconsciously as her hury was just screaming oh mama mia !!!! .The heat she was feeling was unimaginable .

She fell right back to sleep as Rodriguez promised to watch over her throughout the rest of the night.She was rather sar that when she woke up he was gone . Anyway what could she expect ? He was a busy man at 28, he was not married yet .

Wait why wasn't he married? ?She should probably wake up before she gets fired , now that'd be dramatic.

She spent the rest of the day with the cońdesa .Apparently Rodriguez had taken Carlotta shopping .How touching! Now she just felt like a green jealous monster, just great she couldn't believe it.

Rodriguez arrived at the castle feeling rather tired he could not fathom the greed of carlotta.She sickens him !She was like a child

in a candy store .She was only going to buy one dress and they end up going into every shop with bags and bags of clothing. Now he wouldn't mind doing this for Laura Wait why was he thinking of her she'd never like him , she had lover boy back at home. He couldn't stand the thought of another man touching his Laura.Did he just say his?

~~~someone say what up!! am feeling happy with how this story is going :) vote , comments people !!!~~~

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