"i don't know why you're arguing, you know i'm not going to," maddy waved her arms, a smile appearing on the granger girl's face.

"then how is your arm?"

"it's okay now."

"are you sure?"

"yes, i'm sure," maddy chuckled, thanking kreacher when he handed them both a mug of coffee and some hot rolls.

"i need to look through my bag, you know-"

"you've already checked it five times," maddy stopped her as phoebe walked in with the raven haired boy and red-head.

"i hate waking them up," the younger twin rolled her eyes.

once harry and ron finished their breakfast, kreacher promised to have a steak and kidney pie prepared for them when they returned.

"bless him, and when you think i used to fantasize about cutting off his head and sticking it on the wall," ron said fondly.

they made their way to the front step very carefully, and phoebe disapparated with ron, maddy with harry and hermione alone.

"right then," the bushy haired witch checked her watch, "she ought to be here in about five minutes. when i've stunned her-"

"we know, love."

"i thought we were supposed to open the door before she got here?" ron asked, causing hermione to squeal.

"i nearly forgot! stand back."

she proceeded to open the door with a wave of her wand, and pulled it back towards her so it would still look closed.

"and now, we put on the cloak again-"

"-and we wait," ron rolled his eyes, throwing it over her head while maddy an phoebe thought of the charm, basically turning themselves into human chameleons.

little more than a minute later, the witch appeared and didn't have any time to do enjoy the warmth of the sun due to hermione stunning her.

"nicely done, hermione."

the five gryffindors grabbed her and dragged her inside, leading the lady to the theatre, where ron rummaged through her handbag and hermione plucked some hairs to drop in a flask of poly juice potion.

"she's malfada hopkirk-"

"what type of name is that?" maddy snorted.

"right? anyways, you better take this, hermione, and here are the tokens."

she received the tokens and drank the potion, making maddy slightly step away from her, which made the others chuckle.

"we're running late, mister magical maintenance will be here any second."

moments after hiding, another pop was heard.

"oh, hello, malfalda."

"hello! how are you today?"

"not so good, actually," the little wizard responded, seeming down.

"i'm sorry to hear you're under the weather," hermione spoke as they headed towards the main road, the other four following. "here, have a sweet."

"eh? oh, no thanks-"

"i insist!"

looking rather alarmed, the wizard complied, instantly vomiting the second the pastille touched his tongue.

hermione took advantage of his state and yanked a few hairs off his head.

"oh dear! perhaps, you'd better take the day off."

"no-no! i must-today-must go-"

"but that's just silly! you can't go to work in this state-i think you ought to go to st mungo's and get them to sort you out!"

the wizard collapsed, but still continued to move to the main street, but this time, on his fours.

"you simply can't go to work like this!" hermione cried.

he finally agreed, using her help to stand up and vanished.

"ugh," hermione complained, holding up her skirt to avoid the puddles of the man's vomit. "it would have made much less mess to stun him too."

"yeah, but i still think a whole pile of unconscious bodies would have drawn more attention. keen on his job, though, isn't he? chuck us the hair and the potion, then."

within two minutes, ron stood before them, looking the exact same as the wizard who got sick.

"weird he wasn't wearing them today, wasn't it, seeing how much he wanted to go? anyway, i'm reg cattermole, according to the label on the back."

"now wait here," hermione looked at harry, phoebe, and maddy, "and we'll be back with some hairs for you."

"that sounds so odd," maddy sighed, going under the invisibility cloak.

word count- 1202
date written- november 26, 2020 (happy turkey day!)

who's your favorite hp character ?
^ i guess you could say one of my oc's*rolls eyes*
BUT i'm stuck, it's either one of the weasley twins, luna, neville or hermione :)

also, i need your help-maddy is powerful, but i have no clue how i could have her help harry in defeating voldemort, so please, comment your suggestions

janus ~ hermione granger Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz