Chapter 5

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Tyrone smirked when the child was now tucked away in his belly asleep. Relaxing completely as he slowly and gently rocked the chair, resulting in hopefully rocking his tummy's guest. Harry smiled in his sleep at the new rocking motion and he mumbled happily in his asleep. Tyrone stayed awake, wondering what this meant now, he basically just adopted a human child. Was that against any law? Would people try and take him away from him?  Harry yawned and turned over continuing to snuggle into his tummy.

"Dada...." he mumbled Still asleep. Tyrone softly gasped from the words he heard.

".....father?" he questioned himself. Him? A giant? A father? To a human child? That sounded like something from a faiy tale. After the shock was over the deep, fatherly nature he seemed to have fully surfaced as he patted his tummy, smiling softly and fondly. Harry smiled at the patting.

"Dada..," he mumbled again.

"That's right, good night little one. Sleep well," Tyrone whispered to him. Harry smiled as he slept. He loved tyrone like the father he never had, and now he got to stay with him. Tyrone smiled as he rubbed his stomach. Indeed he was sure it was final, he was the boys new father, a giant. He was happy to let him stay with him.... and in him. Suddenly the little boy began to cry in his sleep.

"no.... don huwt me.....pwease uncle Vernon.... no..," Harry whimpered. Tyrone gasped, tapping his stomach, giving soft cooing growls.

"Lad? Don't worry, daddy came and scared him away," he said to him cooingly. Giving a short, deep, growl as if he growled at this man to scare him. The little boy sniffled but then started to snuggled into his tummy again still asleep. Tyrone started to softly hum a song, that soon turned into words.

"Star light star bright won't ye sleep good tonight~
when it's dark out I will be yer light, guiding through the woods to home~
when yer afraid I'll stand up, ill be yer knight~
so rest my dear one, know that ye are not alone~," he sang in a low, deep, but soothing voice. Harry smiled at his singing and he unconsciously hummed along in his sleep. Tyrone sung the song in humming now as he rocked in the chair, stroking his tummy. Harry gave a loud childish yawn. Tyrone fully relaxed, still doing those three things subconsciously.      he continued to sleep, snuggling into his tummy. Tyrone soon fell asleep himself, not snoring at all thankfully.    

In the morning the small boy woke up and yawned. Not remembering what happened when he was asleep.

"Mr. Tywone? is you awake?" Harry asked lightly pushing the squishy wet stomach walls. Tyrone had woken up a hour before him, and smiled and gently patting his belly.

"Aye I am lad, good morning," he said happily.

"Good mowning," Harry smiled and Ty smiled hearing the little boy's happy tone.

"Aye how did ye sleep in my tummy lad," he asked, hoping that the strange place gave him a good nights rest.

"Goods," Harry smiled, not remembering what happened while he was asleep, "yous tummy is a lots softer tan ta cupboard floor... Mr. Tywone...can me askes you something?" Cupboard floor? Tyrone couldn't believe his ears, they didn't even have a room for him? And here he thought being rude to have him sleep in his belly, not having a room for him.

"Aye go ahead lad," he said gently.

"Can... can me call you dada?" Harry asked shyly. Tyrone smiled wider, almost purring now.

"Aye ye may little one, after all I will be caring for ye like a father now," he smiled and hugged his tummy.

"Tank you dada!" Harry grinned and hugged the squishy stomach walls. Tyrone chuckled and patted his tummy to return his hug.

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