Chapter 3

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Tyrone froze from that, silent for a moment. "Ye like it?" He asked, joy raising up in his voice.

"Yeah!" Harry smiled, "its warm and soft in here." Tyrone was happily growling now, he was so happy the kid wasn't unhappy where he was.

"Awww lad.... well I'll have to let ye out to tend to yer wounds but then I can eat ye back up again if ye'd like," The giant offered.

"Yay!" Harry cheered. He loved the heartbeat that vibrated all around him, and the softness under him, but he began to cry again when his ribs started to hurt him again. Tyrone grimaced when he started to cry, shedding a tear himself.

"I'm sorry, but we are in sight of my home, just hang in there lad, I'll fix ye up" he said to the kid before he started walking faster. Harry tried to hold back his tears.

"o-.....o-tay..." he whimpered in pain. Tyrone didn't speak as he went into his home, looking for the bandages and lighting a fire in the fire place. His home was a cabin cave mix; stone walls and wooden floors and furniture and a lovely fire pit, and his entire home was inside a cave in a large mountain right near the massive forest he just walked through. Harry rolled onto his side trying to lessen the pain.

" hurts..," he said through tears.

"Aye I'm working on it lad, I'm so sorry," he said as he quickly dragged a wooden box with a cross carved into the lid down, opening it and looking through it for the bandage as fast as he could. The little boy burst into tears, clenching his eyes closed from the pure pain. Tyrone gasped as he set the items he needed onto the table and was unable to think of warning the boy before the giant started to let him out. His stomach closed up and gently pushing Harry back up his throat. The small boy yelped as he was suddenly moving up his throat. He tried hard not to move and his shoulder began to sting. Tyrone did make sure to open his throat for him as he went up, trying not to hurt him any more. The little boy gasped as he was pushed out of his throat and onto his tongue. Tyrone opened his mouth and gently scooped him out of his jaws, seeing how he was fairing before starting to wrap the bandage around his ribs gently but firmly. The child gave small winces and cry of pain as the giant wrapped the wound. Tyrone felt bad for the pain he was feeling and once he was done he held him closely to his chest.

"I'm sorry lad.... I'm sorry..... it's done now.... it will take some time to heal though," he said to him as he took a soft clean rag and swaddled the one inch boy into it to dry him some. Harry nodded and rubbed the tears out of his eyes and he gave a small smile up at Tyrone, his face and arm the only parts of his body currently showing. Tyrone gave a sorrowful look at him but returned the smile, a few tears falling from his big gold eyes that were glowing softly.

"I'm sorry sweet lad... never should an innocent child be in such pain... especially like this..," he whispered to him in a kind, determined voice.

"Is....o-tay..," Harry said softly, "me...alway...hurting..." The giant gave a whine from that as he felt the cool air getting colder even as the fire burned.

"Lad.... one should never be used to being hurt..... especially at such a young age...." he gently told him. Harry looked away sadly rubbing his eyes. He knew it was not good to be use to feeling pain, or being hurt, but he also knew there was nothing he could do to change that. Tyrone lifted him up then, gently nuzzling him with his nose, very very gently, like just touching his hands really.

"Hey now lad... please don't be sad... I'll help make sure no more harm comes to ya alright?" He said in a soft but confident voice. Harry wiggled his other arm free of the rag and hugged his nose.

"Tank you Mr. Tywone..," he said. Tyrone smiled when he hugged his nose. Growling softly in a happy way, before the air started to get even colder.

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