Chapter 4

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"Why does yous have fangy thingies?" Harry asked. Tyrone seen this one coming, he hoped he wouldn't get nervous, especially considering where he was, it's not like he'd ever hurt him though.

"Aye.... ye know the reason a wolf has fangs lad? Same kind of reason.....I'm meant to eat more meat then humans, therefore I need fangs for that," he answered in a gentle voice. Harry thought about it for a minute.

"Mr. tywone what is meat?" He asked looking up some. Tyrone froze, how was he going to explain that? Especially since the kid counts kinda.

"Uhhh...... ye ever heard of a steak? People cook it on a grill or in a pan?" Tyrone said, not wanting to say it in a more gruesome way.

"Yeah, so me going to tink tat ta relatives was lieing to me's again..." Harry grumbled. Tyrone frowned slightly from that.

"Why? What did they tell ye lad?" Tyrone asked. Harry thought a bout it then hid his face embarrassed for believing it.

"Tat dey use bad freaky children to make ta steak......" he grumbled a bit. Tyrone sighed sadly; did they only ever tell the kid lies?

"No lad... I'm sorry... meat and steak comes from animals," he said, not wanting to say in a way it can come from any living thing besides plants.

"Tey are meanies!" Harry grumbled obviously getting angry. Tyrone gasped and started to gently rub his stomach again.

"Lad..... I'm sorry.... it's okay though..... I won't let them lie to ya anymore..... I promise....," he said softly to him, trying sooth and calm him, even starting to hum a song. Even though he was doing the thing that would normally calm Harry, he was too mad at learning all the stuff from his relatives they had told him was true and that all that stuff would get him along in life was all a lie. Harry screamed at the top of his when he heard Tyrone's soothing voice and the giant flinched and covered his ears. Harry's anger turned into heavy pants and sent his ribs a shock of pain through him, along with the anger, and confution. Harry fell on his back and started to cry.

"Me.. sowwy....ty....tywone...," he choked out. Tyrone uncovered his ears and gently rubbed his stomach again.

"Shhhh lad...... it's okay...... please don't cry....," he said in a even softer more soothing voice. Harry covered his face still crying and curled up in a ball, not caring if his ribs were hurting him anymore.

"Evwy ting... in me's life was lie!" he sobbed softly. Tyrone lowered his head, rather close to his belly, while it was a strange position he wanted to hear him better through himself.

"Lad...... I'm sorry..... I really am...... ye want to..... um.....," he was going to ask if he wanted to ask more questions about him but bit his lip with a sigh thinking it maybe wasn't a good idea. Harry rubbed his eyes and looked up.

"Mr. Tywone..... why does yous talk like tat?" He asked. The giant smirked happily from his question, guessing he was referring to his Irish accent.

"Well lad, it's natural to me, its called a accent. Almost everyone has one if ye listen close, but some have it deep in their voice, like me as ya noticed lad. Its kinda how all of yer 'R' letters when ye talk are sounding more like a 'W',  its not bad, just different," explained happily, still rubbing his stomach. Harry smiled rubbing the last tear out of his eye.

"Me see... can me askes yous more questions, Mr. Tywone?" He asked. Tyrone gasped happily, patting his belly again as he sat back up.

"Of course lad, I'm happy to answer yer questions the best i can," he said with a nod. Harry thought for a minute before getting his next question.

"Why does your eyes glow?" He asked. Tyrone smiled kindly to that, rubbing his belly in thought.

"Mmmm well, one it helps me see in the dark better, but it's also to show my emotions better for those around me," he answered, partly guessing that as he himself wasn't sure why the emotional glowed like it did.

"Das cool!" Harry smiled, "umm...why are your ears pointed?" Tyrone had a gleeful grin from all of these fun questions and chuckled a little.

"Aye, to channel sounds and noise better lad, it's to help me hear better. Why I can hear ye breathing in my tummy if I focus enough," he explained with a small purr.

"Wow!" Harry exclaimed, "das so's cool!" The little boy smiled, forgetting about his anger, "another.... ummm.... me wounder how me saffes in here?" Tyrone honestly thought this was to be his first question, so he was surprised when it came up later later like this. Licking his lips as he rubbed his stomach he began to answer.

"I can control my tummy better then most other things, I'm able to keep the digestive acids out for ye with no effort at all, even in my sleep ye are perfectly safe in my belly" Tyrone explained in a even happier voice, clearly happy to have the child tucked away safely in his stomach as he started to growl joyfully.

"Can me asks you someting tat isent about gianties?" Harry asked. Tyrone was curious but almost nervous as well.

"Aye... go ahead," he said gently.

"Why does you talk like me not leaveing?" Harry asked, "doesnt me haves to goes back to the...... my relatives?" He said the word 'relatives' slowly. Tyrone was rather surprised about such a question. Indeed he did talk like that though, he now realized.

"Lad..... your relatives are meant to take care of ye not hurt you, yer welcome to go back but ye don't have to, I'd be happy to care for ya little one. It's all yer choice, not anyone else," the giant stated in a serious tone. Harry was really  surprised at his response and sat up in his tummy.

"You... yous would take care of me?" his voice was filled with hope, " wouldnt have to go...back to my relatives." Tyrone smiled in almost a fatherly way at Harry's hopeful words.

"Aye lad, I'd take care of ye to the best of my abilities sweet little one. Ye'd never have to be hurt by those lads again or hurt at all really. Now eaten like now I can promise it won't happen again," Tyrone said truthfully, at the last line was a light teasing but it was true, the giant would swallow the child when he wanted or needed. And maybe just for fun since Ty enjoyed himself doing it. He became hopeful as well to have the boy stay.

"Yes," Harry said quietly as his heart began to race, "Yes! pwease!" The little boy's voice was full of joy and hope. Tyrone made a loud, triumphant laugh of joy to hear his heart race and say yes.

"Then it's official lad, this is yer home now...... well I mean the cabin not my tummy, but that can be yer home too," He said playfully as he patted his tummy in a caring way. Harry giggled happily at the pats.

"Me likes both..... but tank you Mr. Tywone," he smiled and snuggled into his tummy.

"Aye alright, both it is and yer welcome lad" Ty said in a soft, meaningful voice, growling happily again. Harry snuggled into his squishy soft tummy more and yawned.

"Tank yous very much," his voice was tired, and almost whisper. Tyrone smiled wider as he felt him snuggle up inside his tummy. He guessed he must be very comfy inside of his belly which he was happy about.

"Yer welcome lad," he said in a soft whisper. The young boy gave another yawn before finally falling asleep.


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