Epilogue I

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An: there'll be a part two to the epilogue just about Eli and Peter

It was another couple of months before the war was over. Eli and Peter waited in the small town of Dachau until they could safely return to Berlin. However, their stories were not the only ones that needed an ending.

When peace finally came, Lotte and Evelin began doing a lot of research into what had happened to their old friends who they'd lost throughout the years. It took them a couple of years but eventually, with the help of Eli, Peter and Jens, they had an almost complete picture of where everyone ended up.

Henry 'Hal' Mar

Hal was one of the early members of The Pink Order and had been there at Eli's side during several instances when they were holding their secretive demonstrations where they handed out pamphlets on their cause then fled when the SS arrived. One day, he'd suddenly decided to enlist in the war and was sent off to fight in France before the week was out. After reaching out to his family, Lotte discovered he'd been reported missing in action only a month after he went to fight. It was assumed he was dead but their group held onto hope he was living a secret life somewhere else, since Eli and Peter swore they'd seen him while spending a week in the south of France.

William 'Billy' Thompson

Billy was the oldest member of the group before it was disbanded. He was an English immigrant and spent a lot of time teaching Eli and Tig English before he was deported back home to Manchester. Eli sent him a letter the moment he had access to paper, thanking him for teaching him since his minimal English proved crucial in explaining, or rather lying, about why Peter had been taken to the camp. He was alive and well and living happily in a posh townhouse with his 'flatmate'. He wrote to Eli frequently and had been to visit his old friends in Berlin several times.

Heidi Printz

Peter's youngest sister was sent to an orphanage after Eli and Rachel were discovered and her mother shot. She left when she was 16 and got a job as a cleaner in a school. That didn't last for long. She soon found a rich boyfriend and was married within the year. Peter and Eli had attended their wedding. It had been insanely boring but the boy seemed nice enough. Heidi seemed happy with him.

It was strange for Peter to see his baby sister getting married. When he'd argued with his mother and vowed never to talk to his family again, Heidi had been a baby. She was cute but cried a lot back then. To be honest, not much had changed.

Brigitte Printz

Brigitte was buried in the churchyard where she used to drag her many kids to Sunday services each week. It had been clear her attempts at pleasing the neighbours and keeping her reputation shining had paid off. When Peter went to her grave to lay down flowers, it was already crowded with lilies and roses.

Her death had hit Peter hard. He'd expected to go home and be able to rekindle his relationship with his family but he returned to find his mother dead and his siblings gone. He'd missed the funeral as well. Luckily a neighbour had been able to tell him where to find Heidi and he'd discussed it with her, otherwise he doubted he'd ever have found the place where she rested.

Kurt Ackermann

Eli's uncle Kurt survived through the war. He'd left for Switzerland not long after his shop was burned down on Kristallnacht and he'd stayed there until it was safe to come home.

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