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Thank you for 2k reads!! I set a goal to finish this story by Christmas which I would mean I've been writing it for a year, but didn't quite get there so I set the goal for 2k reads by 2020 and we got there! This is the most work I've put into a writing project and I'm glad there's people who are enjoying reading it.

The current plan is to have Schatzi finished in 40 chapters and since updates seem to be daily during the holidays, I should have it done pretty soon.

So first of all, please ask me questions. I'll have a q&a either in a live on my Instagram (@nooodle.caboodle I do art pls follow me for drawings of Eli and Peter and all my babies) or I'll do it in writing at the end of the book. So pls ask questions in the comments or dm me anything you want to know.

Second of all, once this is done, I will start a couple of other projects based off this book because there's lots of characters that I love and who don't get enough time from this story since I wanted it to be centred on Eli and Peter.

So Mäuschen will be a story about Lotte and Evelin. Evelin's unhappy marriage with her husband and the relationship that leads her to be with Lotte, and how both of them end up joining the resistance against the Nazis.

And also, a currently untitled story about Jens which will follow his relationships before and during what you see in Schatzi as well as him coming to terms with his sexuality in a time when being gay was illegal.

Please follow me so you can stay tuned on when these come out.

Anyway, enough of me, I'll get to writing the chapter now

"Peter!" Jens cried as soon as he saw him walk in the door, running across the room and throwing himself at him. He wrapped his arms around Peter's neck tightly and hugged him. "I thought you were dead. I didn't know where they'd taken you. I was so sure they'd killed you!"

Peter winced and pushed Jens away.
"I'm fine," he mumbled. "And sorry, I just- it hurts if you hug me. Sorry."

"What? No, no, it's fine, don't be sorry," Jens said quickly, taking Peter's arm and tugging him gently over to an empty bunk, sitting him down and quickly perching next to him, looking worried. "What did they do to you? What's wrong?"

Peter reached and lightly touched the dark bruise circling around Jens' eye, frowning before pulling his hand back and shaking his head.

"They thought there was some kind of uprising going on here, that we were going to try to escape." Jens nodded as he spoke so Peter moved on. "They thought me and Max were ringleaders so they interrogated us both." He bit his lip then lifted up the back of his shirt to reveal the deep welts left by the cane, just the same as what had been done to Max. "It's less sore now, but still bad."

"Jesus, Peter, I'm so sorry," Jens muttered. "I tried to get you out sooner, I really did. But no one would tell me where they'd taken you so I couldn't really do anything. Luckily you told them that lie about me and Friedrich. I spoke to a high up officer and asked for a favour. So he brought you back here. I've heard about the Strafkompanie and knew you'd already be weaker than lots of the people there from being on this block, so I had to get you out of there. I didn't even know that they'd hurt you like that."

"How were you to know?" Peter said. "I'm so grateful, Jens. I really owe you one for helping me so much. Just tell me anything I can do to repay you. Anytime."

"There's nothing," Jens said solemnly, taking Peter's hand in his. "Just don't do it again. I missed you. It's good having a friend in here."

Peter smiled warmly and squeezed his hand in response. It was good to be back.

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