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Peter turned the radio down so it was just background noise as he settled down next to Eli on the sofa, book in hand. "Do you like it?" He asked, pushing Eli's hair out of his eyes. "Am I not the best boyfriend ever?"

Eli smirked and wrapped his arms around his neck, his book abandoned by his side as he pulled Peter down into a hug.
"Yes, you're the best. This is the best birthday present ever."

Peter smiled back and half collapsed on top of him, snuggling into him until he was comfortable, Eli's back pressed up against his chest.
"You should probably go back at some point," he mumbled. "Tell your mum you'll be moving out, get your stuff. Then come straight back. Don't leave me alone for more than an hour."

"An hour? You expect me to pick up everything from the past 18 years and break the news to my mum who you know is ridiculously protective in one hour?"

"Don't leave me," Peter whined, wrapping his arms around Eli's waist and leaning his head on his shoulder. "I love you so much."

"Love you too," Eli mumbled as he tried to pry Peter's hands away. "But it's late, I've already been here too long. She'll be worrying."

"You're nineteen, surely she expects you to stay out late some nights?"

"Yeah, well, I guess she's worried something's happened and I didn't come home because of that. She doesn't seem to realise I can look after myself now."

Peter smirked slightly to himself and nodded slowly, his chin digging into Eli's bony shoulder. "She'll think you're sleeping around at a girl's house. Finally getting some action."

Eli sat up and shoved him lightly, laughing quietly. "Yeah right. You're the most beautiful girl I know."

"Shut your sassy mouth, you know I'd make a very pretty girl. Nicer than any of those bitchy ones at school who do nothing but sit around and giggle at nothing."

"You know what they're giggling at, don't act like you don't."

"What?" Peter asked, looking genuinely confused.

Eli rolled his eyes and lay back down against Peter. "You."


"Yes, you, you loveable idiot. Don't you know that every single one of them has a crush on you?"

"They don't," Peter said quickly. "They just-"

"Don't finish that sentence, accept it and don't act like you don't know it. Don't rub it in the faces of those like me who couldn't get a date if they sacrificed their entire family to Satan."

Peter moved slightly so he could look at him, pausing as he thought.
"I was going to say they love the idea of me," he continued, the smirk returning to his face. "Who wouldn't want a piece of thi-" he started but was cut off as Eli sat up and shoved him onto the floor, laughing loudly.

"You're so fucking stupid, I hate you so much," he beamed, looking down at Peter on the floor.

"I hate you too," Peter replied, rubbing his elbow as he sat up and leant his forehead against Eli's. "I hate you so fucking much," he whispered as he cupped his jaw and pulled him down to kiss him softly.

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