Chapter 1

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I don't own pictures in this story (unless I say so) I don't own the characters either. All credit goes to original creators.

It was a beautifully quiet day. The wind was blowing, the cherry blossoms were in bloom, and the sky was as a gorgeous shade of blue. The clouds were fluffy like cotton candy. Today was...


Izuku was smiling to himself. He just couldn't stop thinking about...It. He kept smiling as he walked in the hallways, looking for his locker. Everybody gave him a disgusted stare, because they all thought he looked creepy. Izuku never smiled. At least not since elementary.

He didn't care though. Today would be the last day he'd ever have to deal with them or anybody else, and today would be the last day he'd get picked on by a certain ash blonde.

Izuku soon found himself in front of his locker. He would never have to be shoved against or into this locker ever again. He chuckled a little and started opening it to get his necessary items for today.

As of right on cue the hallways cleant and 3 certain somebody's were on their way over. Izuku braced himself for he knew what was about to happen.

"If is isn't the quirkless loser." The boy with McDonald looking hair sneered. Izuku turned around just in time for another kid to punch him right upside the face.

Izuku fell to the floor holding his cheek. Izuku then tried to stand up, but the two kept knocking him down. "Why isn't he saying anything?!" One of them yelled in frustration.

"Say something you freak!" One of them demanded. He remained quite. Katsuki then took his turn. He lifted the quite boy by his neck. "Speak." He demanded. Izuku remained quite.

Katsuki then started to use his quirk in poor Izuku. "SPEAK." Katsuki rose his voice, he was getting impatient. Izuku hissed in pain.

Katsuki released him. As Izuku fell against the locker he finally spoke.

"Do your worst, nothing is ruining this day for me Kacchan. After all, you won't even have to look at me after today." Izuku said while grinning grimly.

Katsuki wasn't sure what it was, but it made him feel weird to hear Izuku's tone like that. It also made him confused on what he meant.

Katsuki's friends then pulled out all Izuku's stuff from his locker onto the floor. Something caught Katsuki's eye though. While Izuku was busy with his friends he picked it up.

It was a small, old picture of him and Izuku playing superheroes at the old park they used to go to. He stuffed it into his pocket. "Tch, come on guys." Katsuki then walked to class while poor Izuku was left to find out what to do with a huge burn on his neck.

Izuku struggled to stand up, so he had to use the lockers to help him stand. Izuku then picked up all his stuff and then realized that something was missing. He then realized what it was. He figured that they probably took it to mess with him or burn it. He was generally upset. That picture was the only one he had that had them playing as superheroes.

Izuku then started towards class. Izuku's next class was P.E. meaning that he'd have to change into his athletic wear. He decided he'd just wait till everybody was done and out of the locker room, then he'd change.

Izuku smiled at his plan. As soon as he reached the gym doors he took a breathe to prepare himself (Katsuki was in this class) and then walked in.

Hello!!! This is my first ever story. I've never done anything like this before. I hope you like it if your reading it and thank you for reading it! 🥰

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