Start from the beginning

Felix went to his room, unseen, and Plagg came out. "Can I even convince you to relax and enjoy the party?" Plagg asked.

Felix stared at the kwami. "I don't like human interaction. The only person's presence I actually like is Ladybug's. Anyone else's is mandatory. If I don't have to, I won't. Now, time to transform. Plagg, claws out!" Felix said.

A flash of light later, and Chat Noir replaced Felix's place. Chat took his baton and went out the window to inform Ladybug.

A minute later, he saw that Ladybug had landed close to the Agreste manor. He went to go stand beside her. He coughed, letting her know that he was there.

"Sorry, just look. He's finally getting what's coming to him." She says, pointing to him about to get kissed by Chloe.

Felix smiled seeing his crush, unknown to him, smiling at his cousin getting tortured. She didn't like him either. "You don't like him either?" Chat asked.

"How could you?" Ladybug replied, close to laughing at his face while Chloe put her lips on his for a second before the song changed.

After she calmed down, she went to face Chat Noir. "Do you know where his akuma is? If we find out sooner, maybe we can go back to our personal lives and ignore him since I now know we both don't like him." Ladybug said. Chat was wishing he was as lucky as her and not have the privilege of living with him, but atlas, he wasn't.

Chat nodded and looked around Bubbler without drawing suspicion to him. When he found it, he went back to Ladybug's side. "He has a bubble sword. That must be where the akuma since nowhere else would make sense." Chat Noir said.

"Let me try something. Put the communicator in your ear in case this goes wrong." Ladybug said, putting hers in. When Chat put his in, Ladybug went to the side and aimed her yoyo at his sword. She swung her yoyo and it wrapped around it. When she pulled it, the Bubbler noticed and held onto it. Tight. When she noticed, she let her yoyo unwrap around it and have it back to her side.

"Chat, you start getting these people out while I distract the akuma. And if Agreste somehow accidentally stays here with us, I won't know a thing." Ladybug said.

Chat heard it, and quietly let people off the Agreste property. He left Adrien for last and took his sweet time getting back to go help him. He finally got Adrien out and went to go help Ladybug. When he got there, he saw Bubbler trying and failing to trap Ladybug in a bubble. Ladybug kept swinging her yoyo, blocking the bubbles.

Chat Noir decided to join the fight. He tried his best to block the bubbles and get the sword from him, but couldn't without getting shot with a bubble.

Bubbler was getting tired of that and decided to do something else. All the bubbles that they had previously deflected turned green and went around the two in a fast motion. Seconds later, the two were inside a bubble together.

"Let us go Bubbler. Kids need adults so things like this won't happen under their control." Ladybug spoke. Chat Noir agreed with the girl.

"Why do you care for the adults so much? You're just like them." Bubbler then got an idea and smirked. "Since you care for them so much, you wouldn't mind being with them." He ran up to them and kicked them up.

"What are you doing Bubbler? You're supposed to be getting me their miraculous." Hawkmoth said into his head.

"Don't worry. I can call off their bubble anytime I want. Maybe when they run out of air or they might fall to their deaths." Bubbler responded.


//Inside the bubble//

While they were going up, Chat faced Ladybug. "Should I use my power?" He asked her. She nodded and he called upon it. He touched the bubble and they got out their baton and yoyo.

Chat, since he was closer, let his baton go out and it hung onto the Eiffel Tower. Ladybug grabbed her yoyo and swung it around the pole, holding herself steady. When that was over, she lifted herself up, going to Chat. The two nodded at each other, and flipped their way down to the ground.

The two superheroes were about to go back to the Agreste manor, when they saw a trail of bubbles going to the Eiffel Tower. They stopped and went up to where Bubbler was.

"Ladybug, we should hurry. I'm going to transform back soon." Chat said. Ladybug nodded and her attention went to the Bubbler.

"Bubbler, you getting rid of the adults stop now." She announced.

Bubbler's attention then went towards them. "You took away my party guests!" He started to throw more bubbles at the two.

"Chat Noir, cover me!" She said. When he covered her, she put her yoyo in her hand. "Lucky charm!" When it dropped down, she saw she had a giant wrench. She looked around and saw what she needed.

While Chat was distracting Bubbler, she went to a pipe and used the wrench to loosen it. When she got it, she saw that Chat Noir was close to her. "Chat Noir, here!" She shouted.

Chat looked up at her and saw that she was dropping a pipe. Understanding what it was for, he got it and started to use it to deflect the bubbles.

Bubbler kept throwing bubbles at him, but the pipe made it so it didn't touch him or Ladybug. Bubbler threw his sword in the air to go shoot more at him, but Ladybug used her yoyo to swipe it. She, once she had it in her hands, broke the yoyo on her knees, allowing the butterfly to fly out.

"Get out of there you nasty bug. No more evil doing for you little akuma." She caught the akuma and purified it. She took her wrench and threw it in the air. "Miraculous ladybug!" Ladybugs went to go clean up the damage caused by the akuma.

Ladybug turns to Chat Noir and holds her fist out. Chat ends up putting his on hers. "Pound it!" The two superheroes called out.


Adrien came to school the next day a bit bummed, but with the scarf that Marinette gave him on. His father had gotten him another pen this year for his birthday.

"Dude, nice scarf." Nino called to him once he spotted him.

"Would you believe me if I told you that Marinette gave it to me?" He asked, after fist bumping Nino.

Marinette watched, rolled her eyes, and went back to class. She didn't care for whatever they were talking about.

Felix saw the interaction from his seat in the limo. Seeing as the girl didn't seem too fond in his cousin, maybe he could be friends with her. 

So, another update. Dude, I swear there are different orders of the show. When I looked it up, I think Stormy Weather was before this one, but on Netflix, this was before Stormy Weather. So I just said screw it and choose this one. Anyways, thanks for reading. 


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