After some more time the doctor came outside and asked us to follow to his cabin and me and Rian followed him as I don't want mom to stress herself more with all the information. Rian held my hand while going to his cabin and I felt some sort of energy growing within me with his gesture. He sat down and told us that he had done various tests to know the reason for the pain and he confirmed that dad is having intestinal ulcer due to which he is having severe pain in stomach and he suggested us that he should be operated and ulcer should be removed before it grows. He also said that it is a very minor operation and there will be no complications as well. And the recovery will be soon too with medications and rest. Rian said we will let him know after discussing with family and doctor agreed.

When we explained the situation to mom, she understood the severity of the situation and agreed to get dad operated. When we said the same to the doctor, he said tomorrow would be the perfect day for operation as today they will run some more test.

It was late in the evening with all the formalities to be completed and mom didn't eat anything since morning including me. Rian bought food for mom which she ate after a lot of protests while I denied immediately. Flio was also there and helping us in every way possible and I was thanking him every single time which he was brushing off saying it is nothing and he is really happy to help me and mom.

Rian took me out of the hospital after mom ate and Flio too left saying he will come early tomorrow. We were walking along the small garden outside the hospital and Rian made me sit on the bench which was empty. The cool air was making my skin tingly so I just folded my hands.

" Jass you just sit here. I will be here in a minute " he said and I nodded absentmindedly. He came after sometime and gave me a smile which I returned.

" Here take this. You didn't eat anything since morning and I don't want you to sleep with empty stomach " he said extending an ice-cream and a chocolate bar towards me and tears welled up in my eyes seeing him. He is so caring and loving towards me. How can I be so dumb to not observe that he loved me? How can he love someone like me? What I had done to get him in my life?

My thoughts were cut off when he nudged me with his elbow and extended the items towards me. I gratefully took them and started munching chocolate. He was smiling all the time and I couldn't help but look away coz the intensity with which he was looking at me was making me highly impossible to look straight towards him. After I was done Rian took me and mom to home coz the hospital doesn't allow us to stay there. Rian went away bidding us bye and we slept. It wasn't a peaceful one but somehow, I tried to take rest laying in bed. I managed to wake up soon and made some breakfast. Eventually mom came out and we had our breakfast. We both went to hospital and then made some formalities which are necessary to be done before operation. Rian came after sometime and sat with us. Soon dad was taken to the operation theatre and we waited outside patiently praying god to make everything easy for dad.

Our prayers were answered when doctor came outside and said that the operation went well and there are no complications at all. We thanked him and went inside to see dad. He was laying there with his eyes closed, a needle attached to his left wrist and a big bandage tied around his stomach.

Dad was recovering soon and I was thankful that he is getting back to normal and mom was also happy. Dad stayed in hospital for a week and then he was discharged asking us to take good care of him and regular medication. Mom took leave from office and was looking after dad even though I asked her to go and I would take good care of him. She said I will just spoil him by giving him junk food and will make him run by playing with him. I rolled my eyes whenever she took extra care of dad and dad was also getting frustrated sometimes with this over attention from her. Rian and his parents came and checked sometimes but Rian came regularly. I was amazed to say that he and my boyfriend are getting along very well and I don't even know if I still could call him my boyfriend when I am slowly feeling that romantic feelings are diminishimg. It's not like we were romantically involved with each other but I thought we could get along but now it is highly impossible. I just sighed heavily with all these thoughts and closed my eyes to concentrate on my job of making Mica eat as he was being stubborn these days.

" Mica come and finish this as well. Or else I am not going to play with you anymore " I shouted at him to which he came bouncing towards me and started licking my face and I giggled at him.

" Hey don't do that to her. You have to behave with girls my boy " said Rian from behind and I couldn't help but smile at him. When I looked at him, he winked making me blush immediately. I looked away hiding my reddened cheeks and he started feeding Mica with ease. I went to kitchen to drink juice when Rian entered and started cleaning the mess created by Mica. I giggled looking at him who was shaking his head talking to himself.

Mom and dad were watching TV and talking to themselves and actually forgot that we were still here. I headed back to garden to play with Mica. He was already whining looking at me so I just started playing with me. I chased after him and he was happily running around and soon I caught him. We both were panting heavily and I sat on ground with legs crossed. When I looked up, I saw Rian staring at me with a smile and I don't know how but I suddenly remembered about all the things happened in past.

" Can we talk Jass? " he asked and I nodded. We both sat across each other and Rian was practicing how to breath. Yes, he was practicing breathing and finally looked at me after exhaling deeply.

" Jass I.. umm.. I actually umm.. talked to Fillano and he.. he said me what happened the other day. And.. and I know that Danny probably told you that.. that I.. I... love you. I.. I mean I lo.. loved you forever bu.. but never really said you about my... my feelings. I thought it would be be..better to talk things out " he stuttered and I started fidgeting with my fingers.

I thought Rian still don't know that I know about his feelings for me but now that he too came to know that I know made me feel absolutely helpless and stunned.

" Rian I know what you are trying to say but I need time to think over everything coz this.. this is all new to me and I don't think I am ready for it yet " I whispered but I think he heard me clearly. I saw his eyes glistening with tears but I need time and space to understand everything and I will do that.

I don't know much about ulcers and stuff but I tried it in best way possible..

Do you think Jass will take more time to understand Brian? (Do comment)

And what did you like about this chapter and what not?

Till then.. Bye😊

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