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I ran away from him to the pub again as soon those words escaped his mouth. I made my way to the restroom and relieved myself. I am feeling much better now. I stood in front of the mirror and splashed little water and dried with the tissue. I looked at myself and screamed when I understood what am I supposed to do when I go out from here and what I heard before coming here. Few people who were there scared and few ran away from me due to fear. But I was not in mood to apologize or make them sure that I am fine. I was standing there looking at nowhere in particular and then someone put hand on my shoulder and I jumped suddenly.

" You scared me Iya " I said placing my hand on my heart which was beating very fast. I don't know what is wrong with my heart beat but it is running a marathon as if to win a prize. I am still not sure what to say Flio so I am just making an excuse by staying here for long time.

" I scared you? Are you mad Jassy? Fillano had been asking for you like a mad man and acting like he saw a ghost since you came here and here you are just staring at that wall like you wanted to be swallowed by it. What is wrong with you? " she asked frustratingly while keeping her hands on her hips. I was still not answering her so she made her way to the adjacent mirror and cleaned her face. When she saw me, she started cursing me and I stood there like a dumb. I was just wasting my time so that I don't face Flio for long time but I think my luck is not in my favor coz Iya dragged me out with her as I was not making an attempt to move from there.

" See I found her in the restroom and let me tell you she is gone crazy " Iya said to Wills and Joe and Flio was out of my sight. I was relieved when I did not find him but I was starting to panic coz if he left me here without telling then who is gonna drop me home and what I am gonna tell dad if he finds out that Flio left me and....

" Hey Jassy, you okay there? " asked Wills and I nodded. He looked at me carefully and started whispering in Joe's ear while both were eyeing me.

" Is it right Jassy? " asked Joe and I was confused to what is right. Did they come to know that I was asked to be Flio's girlfriend and I did not reply him? I don't know what to say so I just stared at them.

" Jassy you know right you are underage then why did you drink alcohol? Look now you look like an alien acting all weird " Joe said and I was startled. They are thinking that I had alcohol and I was acting strangely. For god's sake I didn't touch it and here they are assuming I had few drinks. I rolled my eyes and sat at the sofa which was empty and they followed me.

" I said right she is gone crazy. She is not even talking to anyone " said Iya and I placed my hand on my forehead. I was not in mood to talk here and they are making it difficult to even sit in peace.

" Oh please will you please be quite for some time. I didn't had any alcohol and I am perfectly alright " I said and they all replied with a typical " O ".

In the meantime, Flio appeared out of nowhere and sat beside me and I tensed up immediately. He said everyone to continue what they were doing and he will look after me and one by one they left and I was left alone with him again. He looked at me and sighed heavily.

" If you don't wanted to be my girlfriend you could have simply said me rather than running... " he was saying something but I interrupted him. I know the way I had reacted might have made him feel like I rejected him but that is not the case with me.

" I did not say no to you yet right? " I said and he looked at me with an unreadable expression.

" You didn't even say yes either " he said looking down and I placed my hand on his shoulder. The way he said those words made me realize that I did the worst thing in my life.

" Look I should be honest with you. I don't think I am capable enough to be in a relationship with anyone. I am just confused and the time when you asked me the pressure to pee was more than to explain you so I ran away from you. So don't take it on a serious note " I said and he chuckled. I finally took in a breath of relief when he chuckled.

A SASSY GIRL'S CHEESY STORY :)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora