Crush as my Friend😊

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I woke up with a sudden jerk only to find none other than my beautiful cousin who was busy examining my things as if she had come for an investigation.

" Well I don't think I called you last night to visit me early in the morning " I said getting up slowly and making my way to bathroom. I don't want to be with her anymore and waste my precious time talking to her about non-sense.

" Good morning to you too Messy and I didn't know that your room is as messy as you and the name suits you perfectly dear " she said rolling her eyes.

" I don't want my room to be judged by you and I like my room how it is. Don't make a fuss about it and leave my room before I throw you out myself " I said glaring at her and I know sometimes she fears my dominating nature and I love that.

" I just came to ask you if you had informed Brian regarding our shopping plan. There is nothing in this room which interests me and I think it needs lots of renovation too " she said eyeing my room. I knew something was going on in her mind and I don't want to think about the stupid mind of hers.

" I already texted him. I will inform you if I get his reply and now leave " I said folding my arms as if I will not encourage her to be in my room thereafter. She left but I know she is planning something.

I got ready for school and I entered dining hall where I can see my parents talking to my cousin very sweetly. I know they love her and I don't mind that but the way she treats me and acts around me fuels my anger and irks me.

I had my breakfast with a little talk and left to school. Dad said that Lizah will be going to meet someone and I don't think there is someone who she knows here but nonetheless I will be okay unless and until she will not interfere in my personal business.

" Hey Jassy how's your super cool cousin and I think you treat her well after all she is your favorite " said Joe with a smirk and I just wanted to wipe that off his face. We had a little talk, Wills and Iya too joined us after awhile. I found Flio talking to someone so I excused from them and made my way to him.

" Hey, how are you? " I asked casually and he looked at me over his shoulder and turned towards me.

" I am good and I need to ask you something " he said and I was shocked coz this is the first time he is willingly trying to initiate the conversation.

" Sure, I am free to talk as you see " I said gesturing towards myself and he rolled his eyes.

" Well then why did you call me crush that day? Are you kidding or pranking with me again? " he asked not beating around the bush and I liked the way he asked. I smiled at him before answering.

" Umm.. yes I have a crush on you. I mean you are my first crush and I am not pranking or kidding " I said not taking my eyes off him.

" What? Are you serious? " he asked curiously.

" Yes I am serious. I liked you the first time I had seen you in my previous school during football match. I thought of telling you this before but I never had a chance so yeah I didn't tell you " I said shrugging my shoulders.

" Okay!" he said and he was leaving already. I had to run behind him to catch up with him.

" Hey, what did you think about it? " I asked breathing heavily due to my run. He looked behind me and I was not sure what he was looking though.

" What to think about? You told you have a crush on me and it's okay and what am I supposed to think? " he asked confused and I wanted to bang on his head for his memory power.

" I am not asking about that. I am asking about the letter I had left in your house. You didn't reply so I just wanted to know the answer " I am sure he had read the letter but he is just trying to avoid the topic and I am not leaving him today without an answer.

" Oh about the letter, yes I had received it and I am okay being your friend. Are you okay being my friend? " he asked a bit hesitantly and scratched his neck. I wanted to laugh coz I was the first to ask him and how can he think that I am not okay with it.

" I am more than okay. Why do you think I will miss the chance of being friend of my crush huh? I am happy that you finally agreed to it " I was ready to hug him when he took a step back.

" Don't you dare to do that now. I am not used to all these things so you better don't act like that around me " he said and I just pouted at him and he rolled his eyes when he saw me.

We both entered the class together and found that whole pair of eyes in the class are on us and we went and sat in our places without bothering about their stares.

" Wow that was something unexpected and amazing you know " Wills smirked at me and at the meantime our teacher entered forcing me to close my mouth.

I am not making any drama these days coz I know if I did it again, I have to face Mrs. Sanders again and I am not ready to do it. I was almost about to close my eyes when I heard someone calling my name. Wills nudged me to pay attention and I opened my eyes completely only to find my teacher staring at me. I got up instantly fully aware that I was watched by everyone now.

" So Ms. Jassica did you start with your assignment already? " the teacher asked me and I was feeling sweat forming on my forehead due to perspiration. I thought I could complete it today so I didn't even start it. Now I regret fighting with Lizah in the morning, I didn't knew she could curse me like this for being rude with her.

Before I could answer his question, his phone went off diverting him from me. I was very relieved when he said to sit down and started to search something in his phone for a few minutes and the bell rang indicating lunch time.

" That was a great escape Jassy " Wills whispered and I just put my forehead on the table with a sigh.

We went to canteen and I went to Flio and dragged him towards my friends " Hey everyone meet my new friend Flio " I said gesturing towards Flio who was silent all along and gave a small smile to them and left to have his lunch with his group of friends.

" Am I dreaming or is it real? " Iya asked dreamily looking at the direction Flio went and Joe pinched her making her wince in pain. " So now you believe it is not a dream I guess " he said making Wills and me chuckle while Iya glared at him.

I cleared my throat " I need to tell you something guys. The actual reason why I had developed interest in Flio from the very first day is coz I have a crush on him and I have seen him before in my previous school during football match. So I hope now you might have got answers to all your questions " I said seriously while sipping water slowly and everyone on the table had their eyes wide open and jaw almost touching the floor.

" You what?? " it was Wills who opened his mouth. " Yes it is the truth and I don't think it as a huge secret to hide so now I told you " I shrugged my shoulders and went to library allowing them to digest the words I told them.

I grabbed some fantasy books from there and went to my locker to drop few there. Yes, I have this habit of reading fantasy books that too during night times and the reason for my late waking up during weekends.

I found Simmy talking to Flio and I was taken aback to find them talking like real buddies. Simmy said he is a good friend of Flio. Samaya too was quite okay with everything and here I thought she would create some scene again but nope she didn't. I don't know but everyone in my life are acting quite different these days and I am not able to take it anymore.

I know I am senseless to think my life is going smooth and I want it to be a bit complicated.

After school I was really feeling very tired coz, I have an assignment to complete and it takes nearly two to three hours. I bid my good bye to everyone and went to home.

I was shocked to see my room and I thought I entered a new room completely. But my things here and there assured me that I entered my room but it doesn't look mine at all.

Did you expect Flio to be calm after knowing that Jassy has a crush on him?(Do comment)

And about her room... what might have happened?

Till then.. Bye😊

A SASSY GIRL'S CHEESY STORY :)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt