Friends then??

14 1 5

When I saw the front door closed, I so wanted to go and ask her what does she mean by saying crush? But I resisted myself from doing so coz I know she might have already left. Crazy girl..

I entered study room to take my book when I saw the chocolates placed over there along with a note.

I know u might be surprised to see these chocolates here. But trust me I love chocolates more than anything and if I am giving them to u, u should know that I am seriously trying to become ur friend.

So, friends then?

I will be waiting for ur reply but please don't keep that poker face


Whoa! She left a letter in my house that too without me knowing.

She is someone I don't want to think about. But she is the only one I think about. I am surprised by my own thought process.

The first day, when she came and hugged me I was stuck, like seriously who would do that?

Unless and until she is Jassy herself😉

She is not like other girls who always wanted my attention but she is the one who was seeking my attention even without trying. She is the lively person I have ever met in my life. She is smart, intelligent, talented and naughty at the same time.

And why am I saying talented and intelligent is coz who has the nerve to embarrass a teacher? I actually thought she was playing some kind of prank that day but to my surprise she is sharper than I thought. She made Joe to wink at the teacher and I don't lie that I laughed my ass off that day and that was the first time I laughed after ages.

She didn't even leave that Chemistry teacher who always puts his students in control and she somehow made him come under her control by clearly expressing her displeasure towards his class by sleeping. She even escaped the banter of that Principal.

I mean no one had crossed so many tough situations as smooth as her. When I tried to confront her regarding the situation, she even made me speechless.

This girl not even left me to embarrass. She hugged me in the library and I literally wanted to bang my head to the wall that day but I don't know what came into me but I agreed to teach her and she had to express her gratitude by hugging me. What's wrong with this girls' actions? Her mouth is of some other pace, where it can talk for hours even without thinking and the person listening to her can become deaf coz of her voice(noice:P)

Is she having some black magic powers? I mean no one in my life tried to talk to me looking into my eyes and she had broken all the records by hugging me in front of whole school, embarrassing me and now I am teaching her. Wow, just wow. How my life had changed after she came.

Not even a girl dared to speak to me not even Samaya. She has her limits and she know them well.

Oh, coming to Samaya, she actually killed the witch inside of her. When I saw her walking into the class late looking at Samaya I somehow saw a kind of strong determination in her eyes and I understood the next day about it when she pointed the gun towards Samaya.

Does she really carry a gun with her? I am sure she doesn't look like a girl who can use weapons. She can just torture people by irritating. Hell with this girls' guts!

Even today when she came inside, I can say she was amazed to see my house but she never for once got distracted while studying. She is way more determined than I had thought. She actually concentrated on Math rather than the house.

Almost all the people who comes to visit me will just look me with some kind of fear coz I have the luxury where with just a call I can make their lives hell. But she is just opposite of that. Even after knowing that I am a rich brat she acted the same way she did before.

I thought she will not give me any chocolates or ice-creams after knowing that I am rich enough to buy them but she like an obedient kid left them here with a note to be her friend. She is some other level of awesome. Omg!! I am praising her way too much. Just shut up Fill I snapped at myself.

Can I be her friend? Am I able to make a friend after what happened earlier?

I don't want to mess my life even more, but something within me is telling me to be her friend and look life in her perspective. Maybe I will be happy after that? Maybe I can live a normal life like her. Maybe I will be able to sort out things.


Rian right? Her friend? I don't know much about her other than her sassy behavior and childish acts but today I came to know about her childhood friend.

But why was this Rian calling her multiple times when she clearly said it wasn't important. Maybe she is right, he was being nosey. But why? Does he know about me? Did Jassy tell him about me?

I don't know much but I can say, I am being nosey these days. I have been staring at her and she was aware about it but never cared about it. She would turn around to find who was staring at her. But I made sure that she would not find me staring at her.

Why was I even looking at her? Why was I thinking about her? Why was I wasting my time thinking about a new girl? I just wanted to pull my hair out in frustration with the one word "why".

" Fill what happened? And where is the girl who came to study? I thought she would stay for lunch." He questioned already searching for Jassy in the room.

" Nothing uncle, it's just that I am feeling tired and Jassica left already. Maybe you were in the garden when she left. And don't bother she will come around again and serve me lunch I am hungry" I said getting up. After thinking wholesome about Jassica I was feeling tired and hungry. I also wanted to distract myself from these thoughts by doing something or else I will be messed up with the one word called "why".

Argh.. I so wanted to run away from this sassy girl and also, I wanted to be her friend.

Wow, you are adamant to become her friend Fill my stupid of a brain taunted me. I just wanted to roll my eyes at it but I can't help coz it's right.

I had my lunch and played some video games afterwards. But when I looked around the house I realized it was so empty, so silent which was deafening me and causing me to run away as far as I could so that there is no silence at all.

Tears started to form in my eyes as I thought about the past and my present.

I don't know when but I texted Jassica and I can see my lips stretching upwards. Oh my lord, I was smiling just coz I texted her. What's wrong with me? I am going insane right now.

Maybe God had taken away all the important people from my life but this time I will not allow him to snatch the people I have without my permission coz I have only few....

What do you think about Fillano after reading this chapter? Do you think he is calm and caring or an angry rich brat? (Do comment)

So this is how Fillano felt about our sassy girl and yes he has some past too which I will reveal later.

Till then... Bye😊

A SASSY GIRL'S CHEESY STORY :)Where stories live. Discover now