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The early morning sunlight was irritating me to open my eyes and as usual being lazy I was rubbing my eyes to adjust with bright sun rays. My mom was calling me(i.e.. shouting) and I was trying to close my ears to stop hearing to her early morning lectures which is difficult to stop. I was going through this imagination when she suddenly entered into my room saying "Jassy what were you...." She stopped speaking and stared beside me disbelief and panic written all over her face and she just became mum and I was not understanding what she was exactly looking at and I followed her gaze only to find the half covered Rian(childhood friend of mine) sleeping peacefully with his mouth slightly open and I immediately got up from my bed only to get the another deadliest shock of my life and that is I am barely having any clothes and my mom looked at me and started calling dad "Mike... where are you? What are you doing? Come here soon" and while calling her tears escaped from her eyes and I too couldn't control my tears as I was unsure what I was seeing in front of me. As soon as my dad entered the room he was speechless to witness the scene in front of him. All this while I went to my wardrobe with my blurred vision due to tears and removed an oversized t-shirt and wore it only thinking that someone would come to my rescue to wake me up from this scary dream. "Brian... come out of your fucking dream world now" my dad shouted at Brian shaking his shoulder vigorously. "Good morning Uncle" Brian said as if he was unaware of the situation before him. Then he yawned and stretched his body and looked around and gave a confused look before fixing his gaze on me. I can say only one thing from his expression now..He was horrified and got up in an instant to find himself in only an underwear. He looked at me and asked "How come I am sleeping in your room like this?" I was not understanding what to say as tears kept rolling onto my cheeks.

So now let us know what happened that night and how come her childhood friend ended up in her bed all of a sudden....

So this is the story of a sassy and crazy girl named Jassica who is doing her 10th class and is having many friends who are also caring and loving towards her (that is what she thinks until one day)and  has a crush on a guy named Fillano whom she had seen in the school's football championship competitions. The moment she saw him she liked him and always wanted to meet him and talk to him.

Brian, a person who is full with ambitions and always behind them to accomplish them to make his family proud and not to say a childhood friend of Jassica. They both have been friends since grade 1 and know each other very well (Jassica thinks so).

A SASSY GIRL'S CHEESY STORY :)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن