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This one chapter set in the future so yeah just remember that. :)


Never would I have thought that I'd be weeping at the love of my life's funeral.

The pretty white roses and peaceful music can't mask the pain of her death.

Family and friends tried to cheer me up about the whole thing but it's impossible.

When the pure white casket was carried in, I felt like my whole world was shattered.

Crying was such an unusual thing for me to do in public, but I couldn't help myself. The tears just kept coming like winter rain.

I could hear luke and Calum sob quitely from a couple of seats down. Ashton was staring at the floor lifelessly. Ashton never seems to deal with sorrow the right way. He just shuts everyone out completely.

The boys were a big part of her life as well. They loved her with all their heart and saw her as their sister. When I told them the news, they all broke down. Calum smashed a few plates, Ashton punched the walls and Luke just hid under the table rocking back and forth .

They all came to support me today. In their black suits lining outside the door with looks of misery.

Other people came but,
Half of the people here don't even know her. Some of her snobby distant cousins turned up and are acting like they were apart of her life; which they never were. Their fascinators bobbled around as they spoke their speeches.

"She was a lovely girl. She was such a blast and had pretty hair..." Her snobby cousin that hadn't seen her since she was 6 said.

These people didn't give a shit about her. They kicked her out of their lives and all of the sudden they come rushing to her aid when her death was pronounced.

All of her family stare at me disapprovingly throughout the ceremony muttering gossip to one another.

"By the looks of him he must've abused her."

"Why would she have a kid with that thing?"

"It's probably his fault that she died."

"He probably murdered her."

I hear the whispers go around about me and I feel like getting up and telling them to shove a stick up their ass. How dare they fucking say shit like that.

But then Theo starts to stir in my arms looking all angelic. The little ball of sunshine is 2 months old now. He's got her dark green eyes and her little petite nose. He's beautiful just like his mother.

My finger reaches for Theo's hand. He grips onto it tightly and holds it against his tiny chest.

"We'll get through it together kiddo." I whisper quietly to our little baby boy.

I don't know how I can go on without her. She was my world and the reason for my happiness.

Now that she's gone Theo won't have a mum to rock him to sleep and too suffocate him with love.

I'll have to be a father and a mother.

She always told me that I'd be a good dad, and now that I'm on my own I have to stay strong for Theo. He's the only thing I have left of her.

And as the coffin where she lays is softly placed under the earth; tears begin to gush out.

I drop to my knees, still with theo cupped in my arms. I can't believe this is actually happening.

She's really gone.

Theo awakens from my cries and looks me dead in the eyes.

God those beautiful familiar dark green eyes of his.

He starts to shift a bit and snuggles into my chest.

Here I am, on my knees next to a burial hole with my son in my hands, mourning over the loss of my lover.

And for a moment then, even though I'm whimpering uncontrollably, I somehow know that she's looking over us.

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