Part five

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I have no clue about what I should do with the kid next to me. I couldn't just leave him alone walking down the street; he would've fell into the gutter or something. I'm not very fond of situations like this and I dont have the slightest idea what to do.

I'm going to have to take him to mine. I cant leave him here, i just can't.

As I;m driving down the road to my apartment he squirms in his seat like a restless baby. He's going to wake up with a horrible headache tomorrow, I should give him a big dose of painkillers; Maybe then he'll stop groaning in his sleep.

We pull up at my house and he has somehow gained a bit of consciousness. "Tess?" He mumbles from the car seat with his delicate eyelids still closed.


"Where am I?"

"We're at my place. You need to rest." I unbuckle my seat belt and walk over to his door.

He is collapsed on the seat with his head muffled into his side, looking completely and utterly exhausted.

"C'mon, get up."

Just as I thought, he doesn't move a muscle.

"Ugh I can't carry you Michael, just get up, I'll help you." I groan and rest my forehead on the cars door frame.

Nothing, again. What if he is dead? He can't be. I just spoke with him a second ago.

I hope he'd just hurry up and get up so I can get him into my house and know that he's safe.

I poke gently at his head trying to wake him but I get so impatient, that then the gentle poking soon evolves into sharp jabs.

No response.

"Michael!" I yell close to his ears but he doesn't flinch one f.ucking bit at all.

Then it hits me. I should tickle him. My mum always did that when I was ignoring her.

I lightly tickle under his chin and he immediately opens his eyes followed by a giggle. "Stop."

"I'll stop if you get out of the car." My fingertips continued to tickle his neck and chin.

"F-fine." He said between fits of childish giggles.

Long legs stood up from the car seat and out on the pavement. "Happy?" His body swayed from side to side and I quickly latched onto him.

If he had have fell in the middle of the street I would have no chance of getting him back up in his intoxicated state.

"Easy." My hands steadied his broad shoulders. "Let's get you to bed."

Opening the door while having a heavy drunken man lean on you for support is hard work.

My fingers fumbled with the keys for a while before I finally stepped inside with Michael.

He has his heavy arm dumped over my shoulder and his side pushing into mine, making it hard to support the both of us.

"Your house is ugly."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes at the rude punk. "Yeah thanks."

He was right though, my house was ugly. It was an old 70s styled house with rusted floral wallpaper, scratchy patterned carpet, bright orange kitchen counter tops and to top it all off it was always covered in dust.

I brought him over to the couch and laid him there. I took his shoes off for him, gave him some pain killers and a warm blanket to sleep with.

I turned around to go to my bedroom but before I left he lazily mumbled a "thank you."

I smiled to myself and walked down the creaky hallway and into my warm bed.

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