Part seven.

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Michael 1:45pm
"Michael where have you been?!" Nan yells from the kitchen.

I tried to close the front door as softly as I could but miraculously nan has super sonic hearing, even at her age.

"Was out." I quickly speed past the kitchen, praying to god  that she wouldn't stop me.

"Not so fast! Get in here! I want to look at you." I grunt lowly. She is so fucking annoying sometimes.

The floor boards creak as I turn around and stomp into the kitchen. She's sitting at the table with a cup of steaming hot tea clasped in her pale wrinkly hands.

"What do you want?" I groan and lean my body against the doorway.

Her creased lips are tightly pursed and she glares at me intensely. "I asked you a question. Where were you exactly?"

"I was out with a friend and decided to crash at his house."

That wasn't the truth though. I really don't remember anything but waking up in tess' living room.

Apparently I was drunk and completely out of it, so tess helped me.

I couldn't tell Nan that. She probably would hit me over the head with a frying pan; she'd done it before.

Her mouth took a big sip of her boiling tea leaving her red lipstick mark on the Side of the cup. "Michael when are you going to get a job and stop going out ?"

"Really?" I growl. "The minute I walk through the door, I'm being lectured?"

She crosses her arms and glares at me with those green eyes. "I'm not lecturing you, I'm actually doing you a favour."

I scoff as those words leave her creased mouth.

"Michael Gordon Clifford you are 19 years old, finished high school, don't have a car and you have no way of providing for yourself. Get a job."

"I'll get a job when I fucking feel like it." I love my nan but lately I'm sick of her harassing me about getting my life on track. I guess the reason why I get so mad at her when she lectures me is because I know she's right.

I dropped out of school at sixteen and have been through six jobs, all of which I got fired from.

I haven't really done anything with my life since dropping out of high school, other than get drunk and high most nights.

"Your life is going in a  downwards spiral." She pinched the bridge of her nose in deep thought. "you know what?"


"Michael." She Sighs "You need to move out. I'm getting older and I can't deal with the constant worry. You need to look after yourself now."

"You've got to be kidding me." I roll my eyes "What the hell!"

"I'm not kidding. You need a wake up call and a sense of reality. I want you too be out by sunset." She stands up and puts her tea cup in the sink.

"You can't do this too me! I have no where to go!"

"Well if you had a job you would be able to pay for a motel."

My anger is rising by the second. She's just going to kick me out, like mum and dad did. I'm infuriated.

She can't just do this to me.
Where the fuck am I going to go? I have no car, no money.


Michael 3:00 pm

The freezing rain is pouring down my face, droplets falling into the corner of my mouth. The gel in my hair has completely washed away leaving my green hair soggy, flat and sticking to my temples. I will admit, i have been shedding a tear or two but wouldn't you if your life was fucked up? I'm walking to Luke's house hoping that he will be home. His house is about a 10 minute walk from my own, so it won't be long until I'm under shelter .

As I'm trudging through the puddles I can't help but let out a cry. I just can't believe this has happened to me again. Mum and Dad kicked me out when I dropped out of school at the age of sixteen. They told me that if I'm under their roof, I have to finish up to year twelve; but I didn't of course.

Instead, I threw eleven years of schooling behind me and became a drop kick. Out of the group of friends that I have, Luke is the only one who is still in school. He wanted to drop out like the rest of us but his mum, Liz, refused.

We all used to call him a 'mummy's boy' and tease him about it because he Always did what Liz told him to do.

I remember when Luke got drunk for the first time and when he got home Liz went spastic.

He never went out with us boys for like four months after that.

I finally get to Luke's house and run up the slippery driveway. His mum is probably home but I don't really care. I know she hates me and she knows I hate her, so it's even.

I don't even bother knocking or ringing the doorbell because I really can't stand this fucking rain any longer.

"Luke!" I wonder around the house trying to find the blonde boy.

My feet take me too the kitchen and I find Liz standing over the bench tops cutting some vegetables.
"Michael." She greets but doesn't even look up to acknowledge me.

"Liz." I say back and scatter towards the fridge. I open it up, nothing really tasty catches my eyes so I just pick up the milk and drink straight from the carton.

"Michael how many times have I told you not to do that?" Liz peers up at me with a scowl.

"I don't know. Haven't been counting." I cheekily smirk as I throw my head back and empty the last of the milk in my mouth.

"What are you doing here?" She speaks up.

"Just came for the milk."

She drops the knife onto the bench top in annoyance and then crosses her tiny arms. "If your looking for my son, he is in the bath."

I almost laugh out loud from the mention of Luke being in the bath. How manly.

I don't even say anything back to her, I just turn around and walk to the bathroom.

I throw the door open to see Luke in a tub full of bubbles. I burst into laughter.

"Michael?!" He shrieks.

"Nn-nice bubbles, what is that lavender?" I breathlessly say in between giggles.

"Why are you here?!" He tries to gather the bubbles in a heap to cover the lower part of his body.

"Got kicked out."

"By Nan?"

"Of course,  who else dipshit?"

"i need to pee" i mutter under my breath and before you know it, i'm standing over the toilet bowl. 

"Do you really have to do that right now." Luke groans and turn his head the other way. 

"Why? Is it turning you on?" I smirk and jokingly bat my eyelashes at him. 

"Fuck off Michael, go home." He says while he lathers the soap in his hands. 

"Don't have one." I pull my pants up and wash my hands in the sink. 

Luke huffs "fine. Tell my mum your staying for a while." he says and lowers himself under the water.


I don't know if I'm good at writing? It would be AWESOME if someone would give me feed back! btw It's going to take a long time to get to the plot but I want to be writing this gradually. I know it's boring but just bare with me ya feel? 

anyway please share and stuff it would be fuckng great xx. 

Love Esther. xx

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