Part eight.

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I just want to clarify that in this story right at this moment, Michaels hair is that green colour. Of course it's going to change but right now in the story it's Green. Also I switch between tess' p.o.v and Michaels p.o.v because I wan't you's to get a clear insight of the characters perspective, well... so yeah. continue...

Esther x


Tess POV

I've been sitting here in the lounge chair waiting for Axe to come home for hours now. I have no idea where he is or what trouble he has gotten himself into but I hope to God it's not anything to do with money. We've been in a huge financial crisis lately; hardly anything in our accounts. We've been dependent on our parents savings but, Axe spent all of it on drugs and alcohol. without our parents savings we have nothing.

Mum and Dad died two years ago by a fatal car accident. A drunk driver collided into their car at an intersection, It instantly wiped them out. The only thing we were left with was their savings bank account; which had so little in it because of the debt they were going through. Axe and I got evicted from our family house and had to move to this crappy old seventies dump. It was the only thing we could afford.

Axe already had an alcohol addiction when my parents were alive but it only got worse form then on. Nowday's I never see him without his stainless steel flask of scotch or the joint hanging out of his mouth. It's always been like this, the 'picking up Axe's mess' routine. Whatever trouble he causes I'm always the one who has to clean him up.

Tonight is a little bit different though. It's nearly 1:00 am and he's usually back by now. He went out all last night and all day today; surely he'd be exhausted.

It's getting harder and harder to even keep my eyes open.

Just as I'm about to give up the wait and go to bed, I hear him fumble with the keys outside. With a few curse words and a creek of the door, out comes a mop of familiar blonde curls. "Axe?" I call from the lounge chair.

He looks up at me and I freeze. He is covered with black bruises and open cuts. "Axe! What happened to you?!" I Jump from my seat and walk over to his bloodied face. "Another fight?" I question and he nods groggily. It wasn't very uncommon for Axe to get into fights like this, it would actually happened too often. He would never tell me what the cause of the beating was, refused to even let his baby sister get the insight of what he got up to on most nights. This is the worst state I've seen him in after his common physical conflicts; with gore seeping from his body.

"Jesus Axe." I wipe the fresh blood that sheds from the cut above his eyebrow. "Did he have rings on?"

"yeah." he mutters. I start to cry. The warm tears cloud up my vision. I hate seeing my big brother like this, I see it too often. He notices my cries and pulls me into his chest. "I'm so sorry Pixie." He whispers into my ear. Pixie was the name that he always had called me ever since we were little, It always somehow makes me feel at ease. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this." He winces when he runs his bashed up hand in circles on my back.

We pull away from the tearful embrace and I look to see that my hot tears had soaked his dirty shirt. I sniffled some more until I finally composed myself. I need to be strong for Axe. We only have each other, it's all we got.

"well, let's get you clean up."


"Not gonna lie, this will sting." I admit to my brother. He is sitting up on the kitchen bench as I try my best to patch up his wounds.

I press the cotton ball soaked with disinfectant onto his sliced eyebrow.

"Fuck." He whispers under his breath with fists balled up.

"I know it hurts, but it has to be done Axe." My soft voice rings through the air. I hate seeing my own flesh and blood in pain, and the worst thing about it is that your completely helpless.

Watching Axe groan and flinch from every movement he makes is heart wrenching.

"Alright your done." I tell him as I cover the last cut with a bandage.

He slowly and carefully comes down from the bench. Thankfully, he land on his feet.

"I'm tired." Axe groans as he slowly limps to his room.

"Wait!" I call to him and he faces me.


"You're not sleeping alone. I need to make sure your 100% okay."

I followed him into his room. It was what you'd expect for someone like Axe. Clothes, snack wrappers and beer bottles were just thrown across the floor in a chaotic mess.

We walk to the bed and get under the covers.

"Goodnight." I whisper to him.

"Don't let the bed bugs bite." He muffled into his pillow. Mum and dad always used to say that before we'd go to bed. It made me smile thinking of how lucky I am too have my brother here with me safe and sound.


This was a short chapter sorry! Btw Axe is played by Evan Peters.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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