Part three

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"Wait--" Calum doubled over in laughter "s-say that a-again."

"I already fücking told you. Don't make me say it again." A sigh escaped my lips. I should have never even opened my mouth. Calum was never the nurturing or understanding type, instead he just laughs at my pain and humiliation.

"Y-you pissed On h-h-her." Tears were leaking from His eyes. He was laughing so much that his face was turning a bright shade of red and his lungs were heaving.

"Calum it's really not that funny." I grumbled and threw a golden chip in my mouth. "By the way are you okay? You're like full on red In the face."

He chuckled for some more until he finally decided to shut the fück up and be serious. "Yes I'm fine just a bit light headed from all the laughing."

We were currently at Maccas with Ashton and Luke. Luke and ash were ordering their food so it was only Calum and I sitting in the red leather seated booths. Maccas was always what we ate after a night of getting high and wasted.

Calum always ordered a cheeseburger and I always ordered the nuggets; its a tradition.

"What was her name?" Calum asks as he bites into his greasy cheeseburger.


"Oh I know her. The Awkward looking blonde who's mates with Faye."


He rolls his chocolate coloured eyes at me as if I knew nothing. "Faye! Red head? Freckles? Big titts?"

"Oh big tits. Now I know who your talking about."

"Who are we talking about?" Ashton wanders over with the paper bag full of food while Luke struggles to manage holding four cups of coke.

Ashton was staring at him wearily following his every clumsy move. "Luke I swear if you drop them..."

"Fück sake I won't!" Luke grumbled with gritted teeth and its followed by a loud sigh from Ashton.

Both of them squeeze Into the booth with their greasy food.

"Anyway who were you's talking about?" Luke picks at his cheeseburger removing the pickles because apparently pickles are 'the food of satan'.

"Talking about Faye and some girl Michael pissed on."

"Oh I heard about that!" Luke cheekily giggles.

Ash smirked "so did I."

I huffed loudly. I was hoping that for once people would stay out of my life and just mind their own shït, but no. Apparently my life is like an open book.

"Okay okay that's enough. No more talking about it." I put my heavy head into my cold hands.

"Imagine if you see her again." Ashton muffled through a mouthful of chips.

"I won't." I say hoping that we'd just stop fu.cking taking about it, The thing is with our group is that they never stop talking about your embarrassing life. Calum espically loves to make sure that i'm completely humiliated.

Ashton decides that its okay to keep pushing it "what if you do." Hey says with a menacing smirk.

"Just shut up."


I'm stumbing home drunk alone with my head hung low and slurring incomprehensible words. It's dark outside, the street lamps the only source of light. My head is spinning and spinning; I can hardly visualise anything. There isn't anybody out on the streets tonight, but occaisionaly i see a car or two whiz past me.

I don't remember anything and I certainlly don't know why the fück i'm drunk.

Ugh so much alcohol in my system. I can feel it slosh around in my veins and absorb into my blood stream. The throbbing of my head gets worse with every sloppy step I take and it gets harder and harder to even keep my eyes open.

I don't know where I'm going and to be honest I have absolutley no idea where my intoxicated body will take me.

At times like this I wish I didn't drink so much to the point of Passing out, but I do it anyway. I have an alcohol problem that's for sure. It's just that feeling of the whiskey burning your throat and washing away your worries that i get so hooked on; it's a drug that i'm not willing to give up.

Throughout the bashing of my brain against my skull I can hear pull up beside me on the pathway. It takes so much effort for me too even look down at the car. My heavy eyelids squint to see that it's a shïtty tiny car. The Passenger seat opens and soft footsteps patter towards me.

"Um, you probably don't remember me but I met you at a party and I saw you walking alone and wondered if you needed a ride?" My head tilts to see that it's Tess; the girl I met at the party. In fact I didnt really meet her, I just Pissed on her.

"O-hh h-hey." I slurred.

Her eyes are studying me, a frown set upon her little face. "Are you drunk?"

" Yesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss." I drag out my words.

"Come on get in the car, I'll take you home." Her arms wrap around the back of my waist and flings my shoulders over her so she has support of me.

She drags me over to the car acciedently tripping over my feet once or twice. The passenger door opens and i"m carefully sat on the stiff seat.

The car starts up and before you know it we're driving down the black street.

I shift uncomfortably and spread my legs out onto the dash board.

Tess occasionally glimpses at me to check if I'm okay. You can tell she's worried and confused. She looks so cute with her messy long hair tangled around her face. She's wearing a big jumper the hangs loosely from her body, that has pasta stains on it. A pair of thick framed glasses lay upon her tiny button nose.

Cute like a little kid.

"What's your address?" One of her hands grips onto the steering wheel and the other is up to her teeth, biting her nails nervously.

In my drunken state I just completely go out of it. "I don't know."

I can hear her loud sigh from next to me. "I'll have to take you too mine." She mumbles silently.

"What's your name again?" I stammer and look at her beautiful green eyes.


"Just Tess? Isn't it short for something?"

She rolls her eyes as if she's heard someone say this a hundred times before . "No just Tess."

"Excuse me just Tess but are you aware you've got stains on your jumper?"

Her face goes red and she suddenly seems really interest about her nails. "P-p-Izza"

"Mhmmm what kind?"

She looked at me like I was retarded. " why does it matter?"

"I just want to know what pizza you eat. If it's anything with those gross anchovy things, we can't be friends."

She huffs and throws her head back on the head rest.

The last thing I heard was her muttering "What am I going to do with him."


To anyone who is reading this I'm sorry but I've been busy lately. I started at a new school and moved to the country. Let me tell you that I have never met such rude, stuck up and ferrel pigs ever.

It's honestly disgusting.

And I get bullied at school because I'm from the city how nice!

Fkn hoes get out of me way,


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