last fight

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It was dark, narrow and cold, so basically all of the things you hated.
Crawling through the air vent wasnt a very pleasant experience.

Bon and the others had already went the other way, leaving Rin and you alone.

You felt like you had been crawling for hours now and your knees began to hurt.
Rin was behind you, so you were leading the way, even though you weren't sure yourself if you knew it.

You had tried your hardest to memorize it, but now you felt like you had a complete blackout.
But Rin didnt know that you had no fucking clue where you were right now, because the two of you weren't allowed to talk.

You thought about what to do now, you knew that you had to leave the vent at some point, you couldnt just keep crawling for forever. You started contemplating wether you should crawl a bit further, until it felt right or wether you should just tell Rin that you didn't know where to go anymore. You decided that the ladder would be best and stopped, turning your head a bit so you could face him.

"Rin..." you whispered, and he nodded to show you that he was paying attention.
His ocean blue eyes stared into yours, making you feel some sort of way.

"You don't know where we are anymore, do you?" He asked and you nodded.

"Its ok, lets just drop down at the next opening." He said, relaxed like always, shrugging his shoulders.
You nodded and felt him awkwardly pat your back to cheer you up.

You crawled for another five minutes until you found an opening in the vent.
You pulled out the metal grid that was covering the opening, setting it aside.
After making sure that there was no one around that could see you jumping out of the vent, you carefully climbed down.

After you had safely landed on the floor and made sure that there really was no one around you gave Rin a sign to leave the vent and join you.
He quickly did so, jumping out of the vent and landing on his feet with ease.
He smirked, knowing that he looked cool and that his swift landing had impressed you.

"Weird flex bro..." you whispered, knowing it would decrease his cock behavior.
Rin just frowned at your words and signaled you to find out where to go now.

You looked around, the two of you were in a long and empty hallway.
It was silent, but the atmosphere still scared you. You breathed as silently as possible, your hot breath forming little clouds in the cold air.
Looking around a bit more you noticed that there were arrows on the walls with English words. Rin had noticed them too, but since he didnt really knew how to speak or read English, he had no clue what they said.

He looked at you and his confused expression showed you that he wanted to know what was written on the walls.
"Its directions, this way to the reactor and the cafeteria and infirmary are this way." You whispered while pointing to the directions.

"Hes at the infirmary right?" Rin whispered, and you nodded.

"I think so...cause he's...weak?" You muttered while shrugging your shoulders.

"If he's that weak that should be easy!" He said, flashing you a big smile. You just rolled your eyes, this couldnt be that easy.

You were right, it wasnt easy.

Sometimes, when you layed alone in bed you asked yourself the question 'what's more important, that you won, or how you won?' Is it still a true win, if you get hurt along the way? Whats more important? The result or how you got there?
Would you still ne happy that you won a fight if you end up breaking your leg along the way?

You didnt think that your question would be ever answered, you didn't think that it would be answered today....

You followed the arrows, leading you to the infirmary, along the way you met some Illuminati members, but by keeping your head low, not talking, and continuing to walk like nothing was wrong, you didn't look too suspicious.

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now