🩹First aid🩸

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"Its my turn to torture the kids now!" Nicky walked into the gym, carrying a big box.
"(Y/N) I want you to help me, Ellie said you don't have any work anyways."

"Why does everyone act like I never work?! I work hard!" You complained because you didn't want to set a bad example for your classmates.

"Oh we know...I was just kidding around." Nicky walked up to you and gave you a hug.
You frowned but hugged back.
"What do you want me to do?" You grumled.

"Just act like you are dead." He smiled like it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Ok." You simply replied.

"So guys as you might now Im the doctor of this team and I'm gonna teach you something about first aid!" Nicky said with a thumbs up and a bright smile.
"Our dear (Y/N) will be today's victim!"

"Yaaay!" You cheered unmotivated.

Nicky put a blanket on the floor and you lied down on it.
Ellie said her goodbyes and then left to go eat lunch with Dina.

"So (Y/N) is hurt and about to die, what do we do?" Nicky asked pointing to you.
"Ohhh noooo, Im soo hurt!" You said while holding your leg.
"That wasn't convincing at all..." Nicky mumbled as he looked at you.
"Shut up..." you stuck your tongue out at him and he frowned.

"Uhm we let her die and then wait for her to wake up again?" Shima suggested, but it was more of a question.

"Oh no...I shouldn't have chosen you to be the example..." Nicky mumbled as he facepalmed.
"Shes not immortal shes dying for real, no second chance."

"Why is she even dying?" Bon asked confused.

"You shouldnt have started like this..." you mumbled.

"Shut up dead people don't speak!" He lightly kicked you.
"(Y/N) is bleeding to death from a wound on her leg. Now do something, if this was real you wouldn't have much time so be quick."

Everyone just stood there, staring at you as you acted like you were in pain. Saying that your acting was terrible would be an understatement, it really wasn't convincing at all.
Surprisingly Bon was the first to do something, he kneeled down next to you and asked.
"How are you feeling?"

You couldn't hold back your giggles.
"How am I feeling? Bon I am dying! Do something!" You laughed.

"Ughhh which leg?" He asked as you pointed to the left one, and he put his hand on where your 'wound' was.

"Do you want to explain to the others what you are doing?" Nicky asked Bon.
"Im trying to stop the bleeding by applying pressure and then I'm hoping that SOMEONE WILL HELP ME bandage the wound!" He said, looking at the others with a death glare.

Rin grabbed a banage from the box and started to roll it around your leg, but there were so many things he did wrong, Nicky  couldn't watch this disaster anymore.

"Ok, Stop!" He said and told the two boys to sit down with the others.
"Even though the two of you did terrible, at least you did something..." he huffed and facepalmed.
"If this situation would have been real, (Y/N) would be dead now, so take this seriously! Im gonna walk you through what to do in such a situation."

And then Nicky started talking and talking, he talked about how to help an injured person.
He showed the others how to disinfect and bandage a wound.
After two hours he was done talking about forst aid and all kinds of wounds and how to treat them, and you were finally allowed to get up from the blanket you were lying on the whole time. 

"You guys are free to go now and have the rest of the day off, (Y/N) we have to get ready for a mission." Nicky said as he looked at his phone.
"Ughhh....see you tomorrow guys!" You waved at the others and they waved back.

"Try not to die this time!" Shima laughed.

"I can't promise anything!" You said as a joke and Nicky glared at you.
"Don't you dare." He muttered underneath his breath.
"See you!" He smiled and then dragged you out of the gym and towards the changing rooms.

You quickly got dressed and followed Nicky to the car where the others were already waiting.

"I don't know much about the mission, just that the regular exorcists can't handle the situation anymore and need backup." Ellie said and then everyone hopped into the black van.
You could tell that the situation was very serious because Ellie was driving wa faster than she was allowed to.
As you held onto your seat like it was your lifeline, you tried not to throw up all over the van.

"Are you ok (Y/N)?" Joe asked and you nodded, keeping your mouth shut.

When you arrived at the scene you were told that everything had already resolved itself and that Yukio Okumura and his assistant helped handle the situation.
You sweat dropped, already knowing that Yukio 'assistant' was Rin.

"Where are they? Are they hurt?" You asked worried.

"They are over there." A women pointed to a direction and you saw Yukio, Rin and Shura over there.

"What happened?" Ellie asked with a stern look.

"Someone stole the left eye of Impure king from the deep keep." You grasped at what you had heard.

"What?! I thought it was protected by strong circles! How could this happen?" You exclaimed in disbelief.

"It was probably an inside job..." the woman said.

"Oh hey (Y/N)!!" You heard a familiar voice shout and turned around, being met by a Rin that ws smiling brightly.
"Woah you look so cool!" He said as he stared at your uniform.

"Oh it isnt that cool

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"Oh it isnt that cool..." you rubbed the back of your neck in embarrassment.

"It is!" He said and jumped at you, hugging you tightly.
You giggled and hugged back, kissing his cheek.

"Are you free now?" He asked and you looked over to Ellie.
"Sure you lovebirds, do whatever you want." She shrugged.
"You are all dismissed."

"Where should we go?" You asked, as you took off your helmet.

"How about...we go to your place?" Rin suggested and you nodded.

"Sure let's go!" You cheered.

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