Working can be dangerous

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It was early in the morning and everyone was still sleeping, everyone expect Isaac and you.
The sun hadn't even risen yet, but your Granny was forcing you to make beeakfast for everyone.

Even though it was still early, it was already really hot outside. Sweatwas runnning down your forehead as you cut up some fruit.

"Granny wants us to work on the field if it's that hot outside?!" You complained to your brother.

"I'm not really looking forward to it...but it's not like we have much of a choice." He shrugged his shoulders and began cutting some bread.
"What is it like for you to be back here?" He suddenly asked.

"I don't's kinda weird. This place holds so many memories, I feel like I'm a little girl again...It's relaxing to be here again, the last few missiond have been rough, so maybe it could be a good change to work on the fields."

"Well it's nice to hear that...I have to say your classmates ate really nice, but theres that one girl with the purple hair...I feel like she is always staring at me." He said with a little frown.

"Oh, Izumo? MAYBE SHE HAS A CRUSH ON YOU!!" You said as you nudged him with your elbow.

"Oh I not a bit to old?" He asked.

"Bro you are 18! Thats only a age gap of 3 years! Thats not that much!" You said while a smirk was plastered all over your face.

"Shut up! I'm not interested!" He nudged back and the two of you had a little playful fight.

"Can the two if you no fight for once and do your tasks?!" Your aunt scolded as she came barging into the kitchen.

"Sorry." Both of you said in unison as you bowed your heads.

"I hope the breakfast is ready, our guests are awake!" She said sternly and then left the kitchen.

You couldn't help but giggle at your aunts words because Isaac and you werent actually fighting.

"Let's go serve our dear guests!" Isaac said, as he pretended to be a waiter from a fancy restaurant.

"You are such a dork!"

"And you are a dork that has a crush! Don't pretend that you don't cause I know everything sis!"

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" You pretend to not know what he was taking about.

"Ohhhh you know! A cute demon seems to be the one you fancy!" He smirked at you, and you couldn't hold your blush back.

"Shut up! Who I love is none of your business!"

"Ohhh so you do-"

"Just shut up, we have work to do!" And with that you walked out of the kitchen with a tray full of food.

"Morning everyone!" You said motivated, and everyone stared at you when you walker into the dining room.
All of your classmates still looked half asleep and the only one that was wide awake was Yukio that greeted you with a big smile.

"Eat as much as you can, the day will be long and full of hard work!" Yukio told the others and everyone groaned in response.
"We will start by collecting information about the demon by asking the villagers about the weird things that haven been happening, once we have enough information we will hunt the demon once the sun has set." Yukio explained his plan that everyone thought was boring. Especially Rin wasnt looking forward to the talking to villagers part, he just wanted to go and fight the demon straight away.

"We have to work on the fields all day, maybe that helps you guys feel better." Isaac said, and no one really envied you for your work.

"Well I hope you guys enjoyed your breakfast, Isaac and I have to go work now." You grabbed Isaac arm and pulled him with you.

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now