Kissed by an angel

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Rins POV

'Aaaaaaahhh!!! Did I just get kissed by an angel?! can anyone be so cute?! And she even kept my hoodie...I wonder what she will do with it. A real angel...kissed me, a demon? I must be dreaming...' My mind was running wild, my cheeks felt like they were burning and I was full of happiness.

I didnt care about anything anymore. The only thing that was impressed to me at the moment was that (Y/N) had kissed me.
My heart was pounding like crazy and I just knew that I was in love with her.

Since the first day I had seen her, I had a crush on her. I just couldn't beautiful smile, perfect body and kind personality.

I tried to sneak into the old boys dorm as quietly as possible, but miserably failed. 

"Rin!? Where were you in the middle of the night?!" Yukio asked as he caught me sneaking into our room.

"Uhmmm I was just on a little stroll to breathe in some of that good night air. " I quickly lied and it was more than obvious that I wasn't telling the truth, but Yukio let me slide.

"Just go to bed now and don't be late tomorrow!" He said,turning off the lights and going back to sleep.

But no matter how hard I tried to sleep, I just couldn't. 
I lied awake as thoughts about
(Y/N) flooded my head.

What if I am the one she is protecting? No, that can't be, I am a fucking demon! I am lucky enough that she said that she doesn't care that I am one...I would never be worthy of her protection. 

As I lied in my bed, only thinking about (Y/N),  I came to realize how important she was to me.

I realized that I would do anything in my power to protect her and that I wouldn't let anything happen to her.
I realized that I loved her with all of my heart and nothing could change that.

Back to your POV

You had overslept, and now were trying to quickly get dressed and get to school.
But it was worth it, Rin had shown you that there was a purpose for you in this world, he had shown you that you had value and that you had great friends.

You realized that you werent a chess figure or a feather in the wind, you now knew that you could create your own future and were free. 

You ran out of the door, almost forgetting your keys and somehow managed to not be late.

"Hey guys!" You smiled as you entered the classroom.

"Yeah (Y/N), uh what are you wearing?" Shima asked, looking you up and down.

"Oh no!" You mumbled as you looked at yourself.

You had ended up sleeping in Rins hoodie because it was just so comfortable and smelled like him and this morning you had forgotten to take it off and now you were dressed in your school uniforms pants and shoes and Rins hoodie.

"Uhhm I was feeling cold today and decided to wear a hoodie over my school uniform." You quickly made up a lie and Shiemi believed it.

You thought that the day couldn't get worse but it did.

"Hello class I will be your new teacher. My name is Shura Kirigakure and I am 18 years old, please be nice to me." Shura introduced herself with a sweet smile. 

I looked over to Shima that had hearts in his eyes and was just full on staring at Shura.
That damn pervert...

"Im sorry that I am late!" Rin came rushing through the door. 

"Its ok just sit down." Shura said, and Rin was very surprised by her presence.

And Shura wasnt the only thing that surprised Rin. You could see the shock in his eyes the moment he saw you wearing his hoodie, bit he didn't say anything. 

The class went on normally after Shura complained about having too many subjects to teach you.

"Hey (Y/N)! Wait!" Rin shouted as he ran after you. You were about to head home, walking through the long hallways of the cram school.

"Whats up Rin?" You asked innocently.

"Uhhhm may I ask why you are wearing my pullover to school?" He asked as he walked next to you.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Rin, I was late today and totally forgot that I still had it on because I was in such a rush...I can wash it before I give it back." You blurted out, while blushing. 

"So you, slept in it?"

"Uhhhm it was comfortable and warm I didnt want to take it off..." at this point you were so embarrassed that you just wanted to bury yourself and dissappear in a big hole.

"Its ok, you also don't have to wash it." Rin said, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Oh ok." You said, and took off the hoodie, handing it to Rin that had a really red face.

"Thank you." He simply whispered while somewhat hiding his face.

"Once again, thank you for the wonderful night yesterday. See you tomorrow Rin." You smiled, and waved at him and then continued your walk home.

Rins POV

I held the hoodie that (Y/N) hadjust given back to me up to my nose and realize that it smelled like her. I couldn't help but blush at the thought of (Y/N) wearing it while she slept.

Fuck how can a person be this cute?!

"What are you doing here in the middle of the hallway?" Shura said, as she walked up to me.

"Uhhhh nothing..."

"Isnt that...well whatever you gjys are still young after all. You are coming with me, we will train." She said, dragging me by my ear.

"That hurts Shura!"

"Dont be such a crybaby, I bet (Y/N) wouldnt find that attractive."

"Whaaa, what does (Y/N) have to do with that?!"

"I think you know."

Rin x Reader/Your Guardian Angel Where stories live. Discover now