The imposter strikes again?!

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Zero's POV

What the heck?!....lights went out again?!whoever the imposter is, they keep sabotaging the lights, where is I shout out her name, I bump into something, or should I say someone....Wolfie?As I try figuring who or what I bumped into the lights start to come vision goes straight down where I can see Wolfie just standing there not moving a single muscle, "um, what's wrong?"I ask with a worried look, when she responds...."j....jack..."I start to question her "what about him??".....As I walk next to her I see Jack's lifeless body just there on the ground, I stare in shock as I see Wolfie tearing up. I reported the body as my job as a crewmate, Wolfie stayed quiet during the meeting... 

Wolfie's POV

 After seeing Jack, I was terrified I didn't speak during the meeting as everyone just kept questioning each other and starting to have suspicions on each other, I looked down at my feet and thought about who it could have been, "it couldn't have been Zero she has been with me---!"....what if.....what if its Xavi? it's not possible Zero would have told me already, unless....

Hikaru POV

As I look over I notice Wolfie being very quiet could it possibly be her?....hmmmmm.....I start to have my suspicions on her, I got to keep a look out on her, in case she is the imposter... I mean can we trust anyone at this point?...

Maka's POV

Hmm...Who would kill Jack?hmmm...As I start to investigate on this case the meeting gets skipped again...I'm starting to think it might actually be Wolfie. But I doubt it at some point why would she kill him?Unless!.....

Sanic's POV

As the meeting gets skipped I head to security and look at the cameras, everything seems normal, Minty entered medbay, and so did white hmmmm...I don't know if I should check...I think about the decision but once I decided to leave and go check comms were sabotaged!What in the world...

Minty's POV

As I head to comms to put the tasks back on I notice Sanic looking at me with suspicion as he heads to medbay...why would he head to medbay when we need to fix comms, as I get there I see Wolfie and Chase fixing comms I go help them out so they won't suspect me for not helping...

Wolfie's POV

While me and Chase are fixing the comms Minty appears and help us when we finish we all go our way he goes to electrical and me and Chase head to cafeteria, as we were about to empty the garbage the alarm goes off, as we start running towards the reactor, when we see....Sanic just standing there being a complete crackhead...I facepalm myself and just keep walking along with Chase and stable the reactor, When I turn to look at chase I find him on the wall and the vent moved a bit I stare in shock and report the body quickly!

-----Meeting is called------

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