Chapter 6

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Souls POV
Thursday's are ok, it's the day before Friday, which is cool, but this Thursday was not cool at all. I wake up to blackstar breaking into my room and yelling "MORNING SOUL!" Causing me to fall out of the bed "bro you never wake up early, why are you awake?"
"I'm hungry"
"Just ask maka to make some breakfast and give me an extra 10 minutes"
"But she's not here, and neither is tsubaki"
"What?!" I quickly get up to go search for maka in panic but then blackstar says "I'm pretty sure they went shopping lol" I get relieved and Blair noticed how worried I was "wow soul! You really care about maka huh? You act like she's your girlfriend! Now come to bed with me ok?" I didn't want to keep making Blair believe I was single so I had to tell her the truth "Blair, I'm pretty sure you don't know, but me and maka started dating since Monday or something, you are still gonna be a friend to me though" I felt bad saying that for some reason, especially when I saw Blair's smile turn into a frown. "Oh..." she grabs her purse and heads out the door "where are you going?" I asked her "oh just going shopping haha" I could tell she was faking her smile, why do I feel so bad? I should be glad that now me and maka don't need to worry about Blair, but still,  am I a jerk? "Uhhhh well imma go eat cereal that was too awkward" says blackstar as he rushes to the kitchen. I follow him and we eat cereal until maka and tsubaki arrive "crap crap crap crap!!! We're gonna be late for school!!" I hear maka say as she rushes in the house with tsubaki. Oh yeah, we have school today.
*At school*
Makas pov
We're heading to our classes, but why does soul look upset, "soul are you ok?" I ask him, he doesn't respond "SOUL!" He snaps back from spacing out "huh? What is it?"
"What's wrong? You seem sad"
"Oh, it's nothing don't worry"
I don't believe him but I don't want to bother him so I stop talking. Was it how I was acting yesterday? Is he mad at me? I hope he isn't...
"Hi soul!" I say and give soul a kiss on the cheek, "hey" he smiles, but I can still sense his sadness "if there's anything you want to talk about, I'm always here ok!" He nods and starts eating. This is driving me insane, did I do something??? I need to find out what's wrong, "I'm going to the bathroom" I excuse myself from my group and head to the bathroom to think. I'm staring at the mirror and tsubaki comes in "what are you doing here tsubaki?" I ask her "well, you seemed worried about something and if I could, is there any way I could help you?" Tsubaki is the most amazing friend ever! So I tell her about soul and asked if she could ask soul why he was upset, "ok! Do you want me to tell you what he'll say?" She asks before we leave the bathroom "yes please! And thank you tsubaki, you're the best!" She smiled and we get back to the cafeteria and keep eating.
*after school*
"Dang it! I forgot one of my books In the library! will you wait for me please?" I say this so tsubaki will have the opportunity to ask soul what's wrong. "Yeah sure I'll wait" he replies, I rush to the school and bump into crona "oh m-maka!" He stuttered "hi crona!" I say, we start talking.
Tsubakis pov
I walk up to soul when maka went to the school, wow, soul really is pretty gloomy today "hey soul, I have a question."
"What is it?"
"Is there something bothering you? You look really upset, do you want to talk about it?" Soul takes a deep breath and answered my question " *sigh* well, it sounds kind of dumb but this morning I told Blair that me and maka were dating and I could tell that Blair was really sad and I feel like a jerk because she still thought I was single and interested in her."
"Don't be too upset, Blair will get over you and find someone new in no time, so don't worry! And at least you have maka, she is amazing"
"She really is, I love maka so much, shes amazing, cute, and brave, I'd die for her, she makes me so happy"
"Awww that's the most cutest thing I've heard you say about maka!" Soul blushes and adds "well it's true haha"  soul and maka make an adorable couple! I'm so glad they're happy with each other, "well I have to go somewhere! See you later" I run off and text maka that I was done.
Makas pov
My phone rang, it was a message from tsubaki that said "done" so I say bye to crona and go to soul "I got my book! Let's go home now!" Soul doesn't look so upset anymore, I wonder what happened now, well at least soul is smiling. I hug him tight while we're heading home he noticed and blushed then asked "u-uh, so what are we gonna eat?"
"First I need to go to the grocery store so you can drop me off there and I'll walk home"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, don't worry I'll be ok, I like walking anyways"
"Oh ok be safe on your way home"
Me and tsubaki talk on the phone while I get the food I need, she tells me that soul thinks he might be a mean guy after what happened this morning with Blair, i don't think it's such a big deal, Blair needs to know boundaries when she's with soul, Tsubaki was gonna say something else but then my phone died. Great. I needed to finish shopping anyways, I was distracted when I was talking with tsubaki that I didn't realize there were so many people here, I better hurry!
*souls pov*
I can't stop thinking about the way maka hugged me, I like the feeling of her arms wrapped around me, I like the feeling when I'm with her, she loves me just as much as I love her. I can't stop smiling just from thinking about her. Maka has made me the person I am. "Jeez soul, you're smiling so much. What are you thinking about?" Blackstar looks at me with a funny face "I'm just thinking about maka..." I smile even more when I say that out loud "wow, you're head over heels for her, why don't the two of you just fuck already?" My whole face is a bright red, I turn around and mumble "well...we already did...twice..." blackstars face goes blank "hold on WHAT?!" His jaw drops to the floor and faints from shock.
Is it maka? "Soul-kunnnn~" oh, it's Blair, i should say sorry to her for hurting her feelings "hey Blair, wait, are you...drunk?" Blair was walking wobbly and Smelled like alcohol, her talking is weird too, "soullll, i *hic* love you so much! What happened to you getting nosebleeds when you would *hic* see me!! Have I gotten uglier? I miss back then when you would play with me!"
"Listen Blair, I've grown these past years, I'm a death sythe now and I've matured more, im very sorry Blair, I'm not the same guy that I was back then" Blair starts to cry and she uses her magic to put me in the couch and says "let's play one more time ok?" She starts getting closer to my face "Blair, stop!" I try to push her off but her magic made me stay in the couch, she grabs one of my hands and places it on her chest, then does the unthinkable, as I try to move my hand and myself away, she kisses me right on the lips. That's when I hear the door open...
It was maka.

And now you'll have to wait until the next chapter!🙃 sorry lol
Hope you enjoyed reading this 😊

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