Part 17 (end)

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Night time
Souls POV
So cold...why? It's like I've been abandoned...where is everyone? So dark...
That's when I realized, i was laying on cold concrete in front of crystals school and it was really dark. Not to mention it was FREEZING I see some light heading towards me I wonder what is was? It was getting closer too
"Soul!" A female voice yelled, it was maka
"Maka! You've come to rescue me!" I said happily as I spread my arms open
"Soul! How did you not wake up! I thought you came back home! I left you here thinking you'd wake up in a few minutes but geez you're a heavy sleeper. While you were here, I cleaned the house, made dinner and took a nap, but when I woke up, crystal asked where you were and I was a little worried!"

Maka seemed mad but relieved

"Look, I'm sorry ok? But hey it's also your fault for leaving me here, just saying- ow!" She lightly maka chopped me with her hand

"Cmon let's go home before you get sick, oh my goodness you're cold!" Maka said when she grabbed my arm to pick me up, she brought an extra jacket and gave it to me. We finally arrived home and I collapsed on me bed, so warmmmm! I changed in pajamas and maka changed to her nightgown

"Where's crystal?" I asked

"She's in her room, she was trying to stay up so she could wait for you to return, but she got tired and went to sleep"

We both got on the bed and I immediately got closer to maka who decided to read for a little
"What are you doing? Go back to sleep so you won't be tired in the morning"

"Mmmmmm no"
I laid my head on her chest,
"ooooo so softttt~"

"Geez soul you're acting like a little kid and don't touch me there! Don't make me maka chop you! Ah~ I mean stop you idiot! My life flashed before my eyes, the last thing I saw was maka's red face and her holding the book she was reading up in the air.


I wake up with a headache, Makas still in bed, and I decided I should make breakfast today, like a good husband should! I go to crystals room
"Psst! Sweetie get up"

"Hmm? What is it daddy?"

"Let's make breakfast for you mom!"

"Ooo yay!"

We both arrive at the kitchen. What should we make? Me and crystal look at each other thinking about what we should make, we had pancakes last time, sooo we'll do...

"Cupcakes!" Crystal shouted out

"Hmmm, but I dont think we should be eating cake in the morning"

"Pleaseeeeee! Mommy can't get mad at me, I'm too cute!"

"That is very true, sadly she doesn't think that way when it comes to me" I said as I pinched her cheeks because she is indeed, very cute. She really got my good looks! I gave in and we start planning out what flavor we're gonna do

*knock knock*
I wonder who it is, I open the door slowly and to my surprise, it was spirit.
"Hello soul." He said in a bland voice. But when he saw crystal, he changed his tone completely
"CRYSTAL MY LITTLE ANGEL!!!" He goes to hug her, crystal explains that we were gonna make cupcakes for breakfast and spirits volunteered to help out.
"Thanks man, that'll help us finish them quicker"

"Quiet you disgusting filthy creature, I'm only doing this for my maka and my little angel crystal. Now shoo shoo"
I sit on the couch in defeat seeing crystal and that OLD MAN making cupcakes without me.

"Hey look a single woman who looks like she wants men that are as old as spirit!" I yell as I pointed out the window

"HUH?! WHERE???" Spirit ran off. Heh, classic spirit. When he left, I slammed the door shut and locked it

I'm yours (soulxmaka fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang