Chapter 14

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Souls POV
"Maka albarn...will you marry me"
Everybody in the room was quiet and maka was covering her mouth with both her hands, tears coming out of her eyes
"Soul..." she whimpered "OF COURSE I WILL!!" She screamed and hugged me while uncontrollably sobbing. I picked her up and kissed her while everyone was clapping for us. I hate to admit it, but I was crying too, so uncool.
"Maka, thank you" I say as I hugged her tight.

Ugh, right in the middle of our moment, spirit barges in.
"Papa!" Maka said annoyed

"Just because I gave you those rings doesn't mean you should get married!!! I can't allow it!!! Don't take my baby away from meeeeeee!!!!"

"Maka chop!" With that, spirit was slammed to the ground by makas book, "Wow, my chops still work! Besides papa, why worry about me, save some love for your next baby!" Maka said with glee as she pat her stomach

"Huh waddaya mean-"sprit realized what maka meant. And everyone gasped in shock. I'm not a meister who can see people's souls, but I could feel evil aura from spirits soul, and thats when I knew. I was gonna get killed.
"Soul...eater...evans...HOW DARE YOU!! IM GONNA KILL YOU!!! YA HEAR ME YOU OCTOPUS HEAD!! GET OVER HERE!!!" Then he started to chase me around the place. I've never run so fast before, because if spirit caught, me I'd be doomed.

"PAPA STOP!" Maka furiously yelled
We both stopped in our tracks but then I ran to maka and hid behind her.
"Calm down, I know this is a lot for you, but...yes, I'm pregnant with souls child, we found out about a week ago-"
"DAMN SOUL YOUR PULLOUT GAME IS WEAK!!" Yelled Blackstar. I took makas book and threw it at him.
" *ahem* anyways" Maka continued "me and soul are very happy about this and we want you to be happy for us, and if you're not...then..." maka storms out of the room leaving her father speechless while I chase after her.
"Maka, I'm sure the old man will soon realize that this is good news, so don't cry ok?" I wipe her tears from her face. I take her home and Blair greets us
"Sooooo what did she say soul?"
"I...I said yes!" Maka told her with excitement.

"Oh my gosh!!! I'm so happy for the both of you! Actually, I have some good news myself! I finally have enough money to get my own apartment!"

"Wow! Where are you gonna live?" Maka asked her

"Next door!"

"O-oh well, I'm glad!" Maka says

"So that means I can easily come over when the little baby is born!" Blair said patting Makas head, but that made Maka upset because of what happened at the party.

Makas pov
"I need to go change, I'll be back" I told soul,
I wish papa wasn't so upset about the news of my pregnancy. I changed into my normal clothes and came back to the living room.
"Hey soul, can we go on a walk? I need some fresh air right now"
Soul ageeed and took me to a vending machine and got me a soda
"Hey maka, don't worry ok?" Soul sat down on the floor and I sat down next to him.
"You're right, maybe he might kill you but what matters is that we hopefully have a beautiful, healthy baby!"
"Yeah...hold up what did you say about your dad?" He asked nervously

"I know my dad and he's most likely to kill you, because of this"

"You're joking right?"

"Mostly joking! Anyways, thanks for cheering me up!" Then I give him a kiss on the cheek "let's go home!"

We head to our apartment and there, I see my dad waiting at the front door, I wonder what he wants.

"Uhh papa what are you doing here?" I ask him

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior at the party, and to soul. Soul, I forgive you, but next time, tell me what you're gonna do with my daughter!"

"Calm down old man, let your daughter live her life, anyways let's go in" soul put his arm around my waist to make my dad mad, it was funny seeing my dads funny expression. We all get in the house and I make my dad sit on the couch with soul while I made some tea. I came back with the tea and he started talking

"Alright, so was this baby planned?" He nervously asked

"Well...ummm..." I didn't know what to say
"Sort of I guess" soul finished my sentence

"SORT OF?! what kind of answer is that?!"

"B-but it was mostly planned!" I stuttered. Dad had a confused face but was mad at the same time

"It's embarrassing to explain, especially because you're makas dad and all so...our main goal is that you're ok with this and if you are...well let you see the baby when it's born!"

" got maka pregnant, which means you and her...and so pregnant maka..."

I think dad was about faint from shock, he chugged down the tea, took a deep breath, stood up, and left the house, but when he reached the door he said
"You guys better make me into a proud grandpa" then left.
Me and soul looked at each other and I realized that my dad was ok with this, it took him a while to accept it, but he did! I hug soul and he gives me a kiss.

We started planning out our wedding with our friends and the girls took me out to but my wedding dress and they picked out their bridesmaid dresses, It was so fun! We came back home with soul and the boys, they bought their tuxedos and brought some pizza too. Our wedding was in 2 weeks, I'm nervous but excited, because I get to marry the man I love so much and spend the rest of our lives together. I hope everything goes well on our special day!

Hey! Soo I finished a chapter early😳(go me!) I hope you enjoyed this chapter!😁 Also I think maybe this series is gonna end around it's 20th chapter. But no worries! I'm planning on making a new series!(it'll still be soul eater lol)
See you in the next chapter! :)

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