Chapter 3

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Souls POV
DATE?! Damn it! Kid got to maka first than me!
What if they end up getting together?! She even made a batch of cookies for him! "Ok I'm leaving!" Says maka, I want to stop her but before I could, she leaves the house. I sit on the couch wondering, what's gonna happen...
3rd person perspective
When kid tells Liz and patty that he's going on a date, Liz was not happy because ever since she had become partners with kid, she developed strong feelings for him "are you kidding me!? I thought kid liked me, *sigh* guess not. This isn't fair" she said to her sister patty who replied with " aww come on sis, don't be sad!" "Maybe kid will change his mind and start liking me instead." Thought Liz. She hears the doorbell ring and kid was busy folding the toilet paper, so Liz answers the door and it's maka in a cute little outfit.
Makas pov
"Uh hi Liz! Is kid ready?" I asked her, she was starting at me and her eyes seemed...sad? I gave her one of the cookies I made for me and kid and after I gave it to her, kid appears, "sorry to keep you waiting, shall we go?" He asks shyly, aww he's so cute! We head to the park we have a nice time, he buys me an ice cream "you don't want one?" I ask him since he only got some for me, "I'm fine don't worry" oh I almost forgot! I reach in the bag and hand him a cookie "did you make this?" He asks "mhm!" I replied, he smiled and said he enjoyed my cookies. We talk for a while and go on the swings. We had lots of fun, we walked to his house and I said goodbye to kid and the sisters. "I'm home!" I yell, souls head pops out of the couch and I giggle because his hair was messy "welcome did it go?" He mumbled the last part "great!" I reply with a big smile on my face. Soul looks upset, after a few seconds I realized that souls face was red and I walk up to him and I noticed he had a high temperature "oh my gosh soul! I'm so sorry, you should've told me you have a fever!" I grab a blanket and cover him with it, out of nowhere he grabs me and he's hugging me while laying on the couch, I'm right next to him, should I get up? No, soul feels sick so I guess it's ok for now, we're so close, he fell asleep so I get up and ask Blair to help me put him to bed.
Soul POV
I wake up with a horrible headache. What happened all I remember was maka came back from her date with kid and then I don't know what else happened. I look next to me and it's maka sleeping on my desk, was she watching over me while I was sick, she wakes up and puts her hand on my forehead "are you feeling any better soul?" I love maka so much, she cares for me even when I'm stubborn "uh yeah, wait what time is it? Shouldn't we go to school?"  Maka told me that im gonna stay home and she's just gonna arrive late to school, "if you're hungry, tell  Blair that breakfast is on the table so she can give it to you" i wish I could be with maka right now.
Makas pov
I can't wait to see kid! Maybe I'll tell him how I feel about him since he's the first person to ever like me, so I hope we can get together, that would be amazing.
After school ends, I go to look for kid, I wonder where could he be? I keep searching until I found the wrong time. My heart drops and I see kid and Liz kissing, tears start flowing out of my eyes, i thought that kid liked me, we even went on a date yesterday! What the hell?! I run away and leave the school, when I do, I see soul outside waiting for me with his motorcycle. I'm so confused, I thought he was sick, I look at my phone with a message from soul "I feel better now so I'm gonna pick u up" it was sent 5 minutes ago, how did I not notice? Shit, now he's seeing my crying face "maka what's wrong?" He rushes to me, I don't wanna tell him the truth "nothing. Lets just go home" i respond. It's a quiet ride home, "you sure you're ok maka? I'm here if you want to talk" he says breaking the silence "no, I'm fine" we get home "where's Blair?" I ask, "she's with her friends shopping like always" he responded a few seconds later he asks me one more time "maka please tell me what's wrong, you always keep your feelings bottled up and I hate it! I want you to tell me what happened so I can see if I can help you! Please maka" I sigh and decide to tell him about what I saw, he was clearly mad "that bastard! How could he!" His fist is clenched
"don't worry about it but can you make dinner for today? Unless if you still feel a little sick"
"Nah it's ok, I feel way better now, Blair made a potion for me and it worked!"
"I'm glad"
I wish I was as great as Blair, all I could ever do is just make some soup for soul and give him medicine, and Blair can just heal him instantly. After eating I go to my room and start reading, although I'm still hurt about what I saw, I understand, I'm always the second choice, I hope kid and Liz are happy with each other. At least I have sou- wait I forgot, he doesn't like me guy would ever like me.

Author(me): omg some people actually read my story😭💘I'm so happy!! Sorry if it's a little bad I'm not great at writing😅 but now because of the few readers, I have motivation to keep writing! Thank you guys ^_^ I will work on chapter 4 as fast as I can!

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