Chapter 15

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At the smith house just seconds after Mrs.smith aka Anna told the family Alice was going with Wesley Fp started packing the kids stuff that he brought over for tonight and put the bags at the front door.

"Fp where are you going son?" Mr.smith aka mike asked as he seen Fp put bags by the front door. Amy had just excused herself from the room after her phone rang right when Fp came back to the living room.

"I'm just gonna take the boys home, you guys ok here with gabby or if you'd like you can join us there's plenty of room." He says politely and as calm as he can considering he's fuming inside.

How dare she leave with that man without even giving him an explanation! He thought.

"She wouldn't fp." Anna says knowing what he was thinking and he looking over at her with a small smile.

"Yea well I hope your right cause that would just make matters worse then they already are." Fp scoffs then sign. "Sorry I just-" mike cuts him off.

"I'd feel the same way if I was in your position don't feel sorry, we'll be having a long talk with her when she gets home don't worry." Fp gives him a great full smile then turns to the boys.

"You boys ready to go?" He asks and they both say no. "I'm sorry boys you can come play tomorrow after school ok?" They sign then nod getting up to put there shoes and jacket on.

"Can I come?" Gabby ask Fp and he swears his heart broke when she asked him that.

"Sorry gab the boys have school tomorrow your gonna stay here with grama and grandpa ok?" She gives him a pout.

"But you guys always sleep over on school nights." She looks up at him with glossy eyes and Fp is left speechless.

"Gabby honey your gonna stay here to spend some time with me and grandma and we'll play with you." Mike cuts in and gabby turns to him smiling a little.

"You'll play dolls and kitchen with me?" She asked excited and he nods.

"We'll play anything you what!" She gasp and smiles big.

"Bye bye Fp!" She hugs his legs and before he can hug her back she runs over to her grandparents and Fp laughs mouthing thank you to mike and he just nods then focuses on gabby.

"Ok come on boys." He opens the door to let them out and they walk out the door Amy following after them.

"So where are you going?" Fp ask Amy after closing the door and walking to his car. She shrugs.

"I have no where else to go but home I guess." She holds her head low just hoping Fp would invite him to his place and that's exactly what he did.

"Why don't you come over then? Spend some time with the boys before bed time?" He asks cautiously and she picks her head up immediately and nods smiling.

"That'd be great thanks." She gives him a warm smile and he returns in as they get to the car and Fp straps the boys in.

While Fp is about to leave the smith house over at wesleys house him and Alice just pulled up it was about 15 -20 minutes away which he was very surprised about when he found out.

He parks the car and gets out then goes to the back to wake up Alice. He shakes her for a minute calling her name trying to get her up it took about 2 minutes before she started slowly opening her eyes.

"Wh-when I fall asleep?" She asks sitting up then looking around realizing she wasn't in her driveway anymore.

"About 40 minutes ago come on." He holds out his hand but she doesn't take it.

Crazy love Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora