Chapter 12

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When I am done with my doctors appointment I text Fp letting him know I have good news and I'm on my way.

Once I arrive at the house site I see a lot of people building and basically doing the construction. The house is coming together great they finished the outside which looks great and exactly how I pictured it.

"Hey babe." I hear Fp say when I walk in. I turn to look at him and my mouth goes dry he's standing with no shirt looking like he's been at work and who doesn't love a hard working shirtless man.

"A little speechless are ya." He smirks when he sees me staring at his chest. I roll my eye.

"As if, don't be so full of yourself." I scoff walking towards him and he laughs. "Anyway hi." I kiss him then look around.

"It looks pretty much done, when is everything gonna be ready?" I turn back to him.

"Tomorrow so then you and your team can do the last finishing Touches." I smile.

"That's great to hear!"

"I never really asked why you needed this house built." He raised his brow at me and I laugh.

"That cause you were to interested in me." I shrug and he shakes his head with a chuckle. "I'm working with a Real estate agent but he's out of town for 4 months, well now 1 but he needed the house done once he got back he has a client that was very picky so they needed to build a house."

"He,Mm." He looks at me then gets back to what he was doing. "So when we're you gonna tell me this?"

"I was kinda supposed to before you took the job but you never asked you just said yea so I thought there was no point." I shrug.

"And once we started dating?" I give him a look.

"What are you jealous or something? Cause I'm working with a man? Please don't say you are because I don't need someone telling me who I can and can't work with." I cross my arms and he just shakes his head while rolling his eyes.

"Look I'm trying to work I'll see you at your house later?" I roll my eyes and start walking away.

"Yea whatever."


After leaving the sight I realized how dumb that argument was if that was even an argument. We tend to do that, have a mimi fight over nothing. It's not cause we're in this toxic relationship, I think it's because we have 3 children running around 3 houses to look after and my being sick it's just all stress.

I walk in the house a little surprised to see who I saw.

"Amy?" I question walking into the house a little more and she looks up at me and smiles.

"Alice hi." She looks around and raised her brow. "Where's Fp?" I fight the eye roll and give her a fake smile.

"Working." Then I walk into the living room to see my parents with the kids.

"Hi guys." I smile at them and gabby runs and hugs my legs and I chuckle.

"Hi mommy." She cheeses big then pulls away.

"Hey Ali." The boys say smiling still playing with there trucks.

"Hey boys." I bend down to give each of them a kiss on the forehead then look at my parents.

"And hello parents." I say and they both laugh.

"Hey pumpkin, we missed you a lot." My dad says and I laugh.

"I was gone for 2 hours dad." He shrugs.

"After not seeing you in person since you were just a teenager it's hard seeing you go." He hugs me.

"Mom." I say when I look at her cause she's crying.

"Es tut mir leid, ich will nicht weinen, ich habe dich nur so sehr vermisst." She says wiping her tears. That's when Amy come back into the room.
(I'm sorry I don't mean to cry, it's just I missed you so much.)

I ignore her.

"Mama, es ist in Ordnung, ich habe euch sehr vermisst." I smile and hug her after a minute we pull away and watch the kids play and talk.

"Ich habe eine Frage, warum ist sie in meinem Haus?" I look over at Amy quickly and then back to my mom.
(I do have a question , why is she in my house?)

"Sie sagte, sie sei hier für die Jungs, die dort sind, Mama. Ich habe dafür gesorgt, dass die Jungs es zuerst bestätigten."
("She said she was here for the boys that she is there mom. I made sure the guys confirmed it first. ")

I nod and stand up.

"I'll be back I'm gonna go upstairs and freshen up a little." I go towards the stairs and as I do the door opens .

I turn to see Fp looking at me with a small smile.

"Hey." He said quietly.

"You have a guest." I turn away and continue to walk upstairs after rolling my eyes.

Hope you enjoyed srry took me so long to bring this story back.❤️

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