Chapter 8

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It's a month later and tomorrow is gabby's birthday my little girl is turning 4...even though she acts like she's 20 she's only gonna be 4 but she's so big now..

Fp and the boys have been staying with us...I mean I can say it's kinda weird because we sleep in the same bed...after the kiss we've kissed a lot after that but we're not together's kinda awkward now with Amy around I mean she's gorgeous!

I wake up to my alarm ringing after turning it off I look over and see everyone still sleeping it's 9am and there's a lot to do..well me and Fp do Mandy and Isabella are taking the kids to the park while we go to the store to get gabby her presents and decorations.

Their coming at 10:30 so we have to get the kids up and ready by then.

Gabbys next to me so I shake her a little.

"Gabby baby it's time to wake up." I shake her a little more then she starts moving.

"I don't wanna mommy I'm tiwed." She snuggles into me.

"I'm sorry baby but you gotta get ready to go to the park." She pops up and I laugh.

"Mommy what are you waiting for let's go!" She stands up but trips on James and falls on Fp who makes a weird sound.

I put my hand over my mouth trying not to laugh.

"I'm sowy Fp." Gabby pouts.

"It's ok I'm fine."

"Ok gabby come on AND be careful this time." I get up and wait for her at the end of the bed.


One this I didn't mention is that me and Fp may or may not have taken showers together....BUT! Nothing ever happens AND it's only when I feel a weaker then normal but I've been taking my medication and I'm feeling stronger and stronger everyday which is a very good sign.

It's weird that we've seen each other naked more then once but never had sex...I mean I can't but that's not the point...

After I got out the shower I went to my room and seen it was 11:34 am...

I start to dry off and go to my closet without my towel to get my clothes.

"Hey Alice what ti-" he stops when he sees that I don't have clothes on and turns around.

"It's nothing you haven't seen before Fp...but what were you going to say?" I ask putting my bra and underwear on.

"Uh-um-oh yea what time are we leaving?" He turns back around.

"12 I should be ready. Why?" I walk upstairs to get my real outfit and he follows.

"Gladys...or Amy wants to know if she could tag along." I roll my eyes thinking Fp can't see.

"Yea sure why not..." he laughs.

"Do you not like her or something cause last time I checked you told me that she was sweet and you were upset with me because I'm lying to her."

"Well obviously she's not so sweet cause she's trying to get you back even though she thinks we're together!" I turn to him crossing my arms.

"You sound jealous " he teases.

"Please why would I be jealous.?" I put on my jeans.

"Well we both know you like me." I shake my head and grab my shirt pulling it over my head.

"That was a long time ago."

"Alice we literally kissed yesterday!" He crossed his arms this time.

"What's the supposed to mean I kiss my girlfriends all the time." I lie

They always try to kiss me but....

"On the lips?"

"Yea why not?" I shrug.

"So your calling me on of your girlfriends?" He shakes his head.

"Fp what would you like to be called!?" I roll my eyes going back downstairs to leave the closet.

"At least call me your boyfriend." I stop.

"Huh?" I turn to him.

"I mean why not we basically already are together so why don't we make it official?"

"Your joking right!?" I walk away to my bed and he follows .

"Does it look like I'm joking?" He asked with a serious face and tone.

"Fp....listen actually I don't know what to say."

"And think this way we won't be lying to gla-Amy."

"But what about the kids and-"

"Alice we already know gabby wants us together and my sons love you..sometimes I feel like they like you more then me." A laughs a little.

"But what if this doesn't work I know gabby with be so heart broken to see you leave."

"Who says this won't last?"

"Amy seems very insisted on getting you back and what if you fall for her again." I shrug as I walk to the bathroom.

"So this is about Amy your jealous!" He laughs shaking his head.

I start brushing my teeth.

"No I'm not!" I say after I spit.

"Alice I'm not going to fall for her again because I haven't seen her in 5 year I thought she was dead!"

After I'm done with my teeth I grab my brush.

"If she doesn't respect the fact that we are together and where really not what makes you think she gonna respect that fact when we're really together?"

"Your so stubborn Alice!" He wraps his hands around my waist.

"I am not! I just don't like the fact that so always try's to be all over you."

"That's jealousy baby....let me do it?" He try's to grab the brush.

"NO! I already told you, your never doing my hair see how easy I'm going through it."

"So what do you say?" He puts his head on my shoulder and I look at him in the mirror.

"Will you keep your baby momma in check?" He laughs at me.

"Yes Alice." He shakes his head.

"Ok then fine." He smiles and turns me around.

"You just made me very happy!" He kisses me.

"I always seem to have that affect on people." I say after we pull a part and finish my hair.

"That's because you are very beautiful...inside and out." He smirks at the last part.

"Fp!" I smack his arm.

"I'm gonna love this ." He laughs and we walk back into my room.

I grab everything I need then look at Fp.

"Who's car are we taking?"

"Well...I don't know if you want Amy in your car but.."

"Come on Fp it's not like I hate her or something.."

"Your not very fond of her though."

"Your you can keep your eyes on the road instead of her." I whisper the last part but he hears me.

"You don't whisper very good." I roll my eyes

"Let's go or I'm leaving you and you can go spend time with your little girlfriend." I walk out the door.

"The only girlfriend I have is you!" He smiles and puts his arm around me.

"I better be." I kiss his check then we get in the car.

So at first gabbys birthday was going to be in this chapter but it turned into something way more cute to me...idk hope you guys like!❤️❤️

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