Chapter 10 First Day

Start from the beginning

We start to make our way to the nurses offise, suprised how the bell hasnt rang. "Thx for helping but I couldve taken care of it" Adam says but it mostly sounds like "tx fr he-ping bu I co-ve tak- car- o- it" I chuckle lightly. "Yea if you call breaking your jaw or whatever happened to it and probably dislocated your arm 'taking-care-of-it' then yea you surrreee did" He smiles cruckedly and takes my hand with the one that isnt holding his faw to his mouth. We finally get to the nurses office and I walk inside to see Nurse Stone or Nurse Nina. "Hello may I help you?" "yes my friend Adam got into a fight today protecting me and he did something to his jaw and probably his shoulder. She nods and says "By the way Im Nurse Stone or Nurse Nina who some people call me" "Im Tay Tys' cousin Ive heard alot about you from him" She smiles politley and says "Alright lets see Adam" She walks over to Adam and gets this pad thingy and puts it infront of his jaw. "Yep its broken see here and here right on his sides. Wow the person who did that knew what they were doing hmm. Your shoulder isn't broken or anything just bruised may hurt for a few days but shoudl be fine. You got lucky Adam I think the other one just wanted your jaw more than your rm because it was close to being broken but he didnt hit it right" She walks over to a drawer and takes out many color tabes, blue, green, black, white and uh oh. Adams eyes widen and his mouth moves into a half smile... i think. "Bultder" Mrs.Nina looks at him for a minute then I speak up "He wants yellow" She nods and Adam tries to mutter under his breath, key word tries, he ended up slobbering A LOT and I had to get him some tissue. She comes back with a butter brace and puts it on him, connecting it to the back. "Alright NO talking or atleast a week or so until it gets better or you'll have to wait longer"

She walks over to a pen and paper. "Here use these for a while or go get a small white board. I'll tell your teachers" He nods saddly and when Mrs.Nina walked out to go get a slip, I turn and look at Adam. "Adam whats wrong, why so sad?" He tries to open his mouth but the brace stops him and he glares then grabs the notepad and pen. He writes down something then turns it around 'How am I suppose to talk to you or the team? What about the fans?' I just sigh and say "We'll figure this out Adam we can just say that you broke your jaw doing some random stunt that you always do and you were with me 'visiting family' so you couldnt tell them" He stares for a mintue, thinking about it then writting down 'can you do one thing for me while shes still gone?' I look at him confused then slowly, but unsurely, nod. He smiles then writes down 'kiss me ^3^' no joke he wrote the little emoji thing too. I smile and lightly chuckle then kiss him square on the lips. Soon enough we need stupid air so we pull away panting softly. Adam able to open his mouth enough to breath. Mrs.Nina comes back and hands me and Adam the slips. We smile, wave, then leave to head to fourth then lunch. For some weird reason it had been over an hour since it all happened. I walk towards my locker and pull out my History stuff then we head to Adam for he can get his, which the lockers aren't far from each other only a few or a little more away.

We head to History and walk through the doors. People immediantly looked up and starred. I hide behind Adam and he turned in our slips and told Adam to sit and for me to introduce myself the to sit somwhere not taken. I nod slowly and shyly and quitly, just loud enough for everyone to hear "Hi my name is Tay Ellis" He smiles and says "Im Mr.Jackson and you may now take a seat anywhere free" I nod and move my way to sit by Adam. I slowly sit down and notice Chris have the same class. Her tail was out and swaying about and her ears up and twitching slightly. She turns around and smiles, slightly waving. I smile back and slightly wave then turn my attention to class. Closely to the end of class Mr.Jackson leaves to go print off sheets. Right when he closed the door I looked around and noticed for the first that there were three hybrids in the class. The school actually takes hybrids and humans, our class was so big that they sperated us into three or four different groups this being group 2. The three hybrid are of course Chris, a boy with brown curly hair, his back was turned to me, and he is wearing a blue t-shirt with blue jeans and tennis shoe, and a boy with dark brown straight hair that goes alittle over the ears and his eyes are a deep chocolate brown with freckles all around his face. He is wearing a duck dynasty t-shirt with dark blue jeans and tennis shoes.

The girl behind the straight haired was constatly poking him with a pencil in the neck. The boy clenched his pencil, and it was ready to snap when, suprisingly Chris said something to her "Anna please leave Blake alone , he's asked you nicely for amillion times and you still go" The girl behind 'Blake' snickers and says "Yea well what are you gunna do about it huh?" "Im gunna watch when he gets tired of this shut and beats your ass" the girl stays quite for a minute then turns and does a 'humgh' sound. 'Blake' looks at Chris and smiles slightly, nodding his head. Chris smiles and nods back. I look at the other boy to see him carelessly drawing on a piece of paper, no attention to the outside world. Once you realized it the boy, Blake i think, has little purple paticles around him and his arms look like there were dipped in black paint. His eyes are a tinted purple and his hair slightly has black streaks in it. The other one has no particles or anything but he is lightly levitating off the chair. The teacher comes back and passes out our homework then the bell goes off. The boy looks up and packs his stuff then quickly leaves. But before he did I say his eyes, they looked kinda like the sky or the ocean in the sun rise, a light sky blue kinda like ice.

I get up and head over to Chris while Adam 'talks' to th teacher about something. "Hey Chris?" She looks up and smiles "Yea?" "I was wondering... who are those othr hybrids I've never seen them before" Her ears slighty twitch and her tail wags a little. "Oh... OH you mean Spencer and Blake" I nod and she continues "I meet them at the lab before I got out. They were my old friends. They were made like me. We are all the same, taken from our families and friends and used as experiments. When I first came Blake was already there then a year later or so Spencer came and we all just clicked smae with a couple others" I nod and say "You protective of Blake aren't ya?" She nods and says "Yea he's like a... brother to me" a single tear slips from her eye and she quickly wipes it away. "He takes up for me a lot and I do him" "what about Spencer?" "Scencer doesnt talk much but everyone knows not to mess with him or you gunna be in BIG trouble" "Why?" "He's a Herobrine hybrid but Blakes an enderman hybrid" "cool... can I ask you something?" She nods unsurelly "Is Adam your brother?" She snaps her head up astonishment in her eyes. "H-how..." "He saw your amulet and it clicked" She looks down at it and smiles.

"Can we talk about this later?" She asks and I nod. Right after Adam comes over smiling and pulling us out if the classroom... literally" We throw our stuff in our lockers and head to lunch, talking and laughing on the way. "Where's..." Chris never got to finish because Taylor comes running up to us. "Have you seen Naomi?" We shake our heads and head to our usual table with the rest of the tean already there. "So... how was everyones first day like this..?" asks Seto or Soul. "If you call good almost being raped, Adam breaking his jaw, and almost breaking his arm then yep wonderful day" I say leaning against Adams shoulder. They all stare at me in anger, saddness, and astonishment. "Wow..." Seto breaths out "Yep wow" I copy and chuckle. "Welp Imma go get my food before I explode on someone so bye~" Chris says then jumps up and into the lunch line. We all look at Taylor, she shruggs and says "she's not kidding she's happy when she doesnt get her food... and shes not passiont at most times" We nod slowly and Taylor gets up to get her food along with everyone else.


I lay on the bed, me and Adam now share, with Adam. My head lightly laying on his chest and his arms wrapped securally around my waist. Him lightly petting my hair with the other one and me playing with his fingers from the one around my waist. "hey Adam?" I heard a slight 'hmm'. I sigh and say "Do you think everything will be ok?" I ask and he doesn't say something for a minute then he grabs his pad and write down 'I think it will be it's perfect right now your still the same Ty i feel in love with in 9th grade and still in love with now' a stray tear slids down my face and i hug Adam around his torso tightly and whisper, loud enough for him to hear "I love you Adam thank you" I feel him kiss the top of my head lightly then I felt sleep take over.

Genderbent Love (Skylox, Simdil, Merome, Munchinguniverse, Setosolace, and SSunkipz)Where stories live. Discover now