Chapter 11 Am I Enough?

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{Mitch's pov}

I walk through the doors to my first class to meet everyones eyes. My Science teacher, Mr.Holts, looked at me confused then I think it clicked I was 'new' because he asks " You must be the new kid" I nod slowly and he asks "Would you like to introduce yourself?" I turn to look at the class and see everyone starring at me. I looked around the room to see one pair of eyes that made me weak to my knees. Jerome is leaning back in his desk with a smile plastered across his face. I smile back lightly and say "I'm Michelle" I nod then head to my seat beside Jerome.

(The tables are like those tables in science class in Collage and stuff K...)

I sit in my seat and lay my stuff infront of me. I start to write down stuff that Mr.Holts put on the board, when I feel a hand go ontop of mine. I look over at my hand to see Jeromes hand on mine. He smiles at me and looks back at the board. I smile and look back at the board. "Today might actually be a good day" I say under my breath. With that thought said, I keep writing.


I throw my stuff in my locker and slam the door close. I turn around to leave for lunch but I get pushed against my locker. I gasp and open my eyes to be meet with deep blue eyes... Jerome has brown eyes so who is.... "Hey Love" "Drake what do you want" I say deadpanning him. "Oh looks like you already know my name, how sweet and must i say how sweet it is" "Let me go" "Why sugar we can stay like this forever and ever" "I have a boyfriend Dumbass" "Who that Jerome geek, come on you know you can do better than that" "Well that is what I like and I love him so for one last time Let. Me. Go" "Mmm rough I like that" He chuckles and starts to kiss my neck.

Come on Mitch what do you do when a boy does this... What hurts... Wait a minute I AM A BOY. With that thought running in my mind, an idea comes to mind. I smirk and bring my knee up and into his manhood. I cring a little because ya know I AM STILL A BOY... in the inside. He goes down and I knee him in the face, I walk away brushing down my shorts that he unkindly messed up. I run into a chest and look up to be meet with the brown eyes that make my knees weak.

"Well I guess you didnt need me" He says with a smile, motioning to Drake behind me. I smile back "Nope" I say popping the 'p'. He puts out his hand and I lay mine in it. "Come on Im hungry lets go to lunch" My smile grows and I nod quickly. I squeeze his hand and run/speed walk, down the hall way. We make in the lunch room and find the guys at the usually spot. Well everyone except Ty, Taylor, Chris, and Sky. We head to the lunch line and quickly grab our trays and drinks.

We sit down and begin talking about random stuff like always when Taylor, Chris, Ty, and Sky come over. I see a brace around Skys chin keeping it up or most likely shut. They sit down and Seto asks "So... how was everyones day like this..?" Ty sighs and says "If you call good almost being raped, Adam breaking his jaw, and almost breaking his arm then yep wonderful day" Ty lays her head on Skys shoulder while all the rest of the team just gaps at what she just said.I start to get mixed emotions... Im pissed because someone almost raped my best friend and someone hurt my otherone. Im upset becasue I wasnt there to help them and Im definintally suprised Ty just said that with no emotions but of course some anger in his voice.

"wow..." Seto or Soal breaths out. "Yep wow Ty copys then chuckles softly. All of a sudden Chris stands up "Welp Imma go get my food before I explode on someone so bye~" She says and walks off to the lunch line, which isn't that long anymore. I look at Taylor, along with everyone else and she just shruggs like its the most normal thing in the world. "Shes not kidding, shes not happy when she doesnt get her food... and shes not passiont most times." We nod and head for our food.

I get my food and sit down along with everyone else. I grab my apple and ask "Well we know Tys day was fucked up how about everyone elses?" "Ehh nothin much just some sluts trying to tick me off" Seto says taking a sip of her drink. "What did you just call me?!" A high pitched voice squeaks and Seto gasps and starts to choke on her drink. Brice immedeantly starts to rub her back and I turn around to see a tall girl with pin straight light blue hair and black/brown eyes. Her black shirt shows WAY to much cleavage and a dark blue short skirt... and they arent called short for nothin on her damn to short. GIANT black high heals that make it look like she will fall any minute and way Too much make-up for even a clown to like.

Genderbent Love (Skylox, Simdil, Merome, Munchinguniverse, Setosolace, and SSunkipz)Where stories live. Discover now