Chapter 15 Tys Choice

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WARNING!!! SAD EMOTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{Tys pov}

I want you.

Those words keep swirling in my head like a never ending storm.

I want you.

They play on and on like a symphony.

I want you.

I try covering my ears. I try blocking it out.

I want you.

But they wont stop.

I want Adam. I want to be in his arms. I want to be snuggled up to him watching a horror movie with him hidding behind me and stuff. I just want Adam.

"Wheres Adam?" I say. Staring off to space, not looking at anything inparticular. Just imagining Adam. Him laughing when he and Jerome pelted us with nerf bullets. Him bending down to pick up the nerf gun right when I did and we bumped heads. Us starring into each others eyes. Us... kissing, Adam was my first kiss and my first love and he always will be. "Hes somewhere. Now its your time to choose" I turn my head and look up at Brandon. "Choose what?" I ask kind of hesitating to ask, reason being he has a creepy fucking smirk on his face and its creeping the shit out of me.

"Time for you to choose The 'love of your life' or me" "Why wouldnt I choose Adam" I say stupidly to him in a duhh monotone. He frowns and says "I'll make you a deal princess. If you stay here with me forever and be my queen. I'll let them go and be free, but you can never see them again." "What if I choose to stay with Adam and away from you?" I ask kinda scared. He smirks and says "I'll make them my personal slaves and maybe kill a friend or two if im bored and youll be here by force" He hisses the last part and I glare up at him.

"You should really know I will NEVER love you! Adam will ALWAYS be the lover of my life and you can never change that!" He chuckles darkley and smiles wickedly making me flinch back a bit. We'll see about that princess. Now your choice, me or butter boy" I look down at the ground. I dont know what to do! I want to stay with Adam forever and we be happily ever after, but if I do then Adam will most liekly die and all my friends will be slaves. Either way I'm stuck here! Well I guess a life with Adam alive is better then with him dead. I sigh and a tear falls down my face. "Can I see him one last time?" Brandon smirks and nods.

"Bring in butter boy!" Two guards nod and run off down a hall. He snaps his fingers and I can move again. They soon come back with a tired looking Adam with his hands and feet chained. "Adam" I breath out and run towards him. He looks up and starts to run but gets cut off by the chains. "I love you Adam. Always remember that ok" I say holding his face. My hands on his cheeks and he looks a me confused. "I love you too Ty and I always will." I smile and hug him, he not able to because of the chains. I release the hug and lean back looking into his sunglasses. I take them off and stare into his beautiful hazel eyes.

"Im going to miss you so much" I say with tears running down my face. His eyes widen and he asks "What do you mean? Where are you going?" "I have to stay here for you and the others will be safe. Its the only way" A tear falls down his cheek and i gently wipe it off. "But what about everything Ty. We havent had our life together yet. We still need the happily ever after" I smile slightly and kiss him lightly. "I love you Adam. Please dont forget me" I say sadly and I kiss him on the lips. Putting every ounce of love and passion into the kiss. I pull back and smile "Good bye Adam" I lightly whisper. Adam shakes his head as tears fall.

The guards grab him and he reaches his arm out for me. I reach my arm out just to touvh him one last time but fate didnt accept it. They walked down the hall with him struggling and screaming for me to come back and that he loves me. I sit there on the floor, crying my eye out. Brandon comes over and hugges me, telling me everything will be ok. I would push him away but I just cant. Im frozen, I cant move or anything. Brandon picks me up bridal style and carries me to a room that im guessing is his. I didnt really pay attention to anything. Just right when my head hit the bed darkness and exaugtion took its tow on me. My eyes shut without my permission and my breathing calmed putting me into a dreamful night.

(Adams pov)

The throw me in a cell and I jump up running with everything I got towards the cell door but nope fate has to me a jackass and it closes. I run into it getting a fucking headache added to my list of 'todays worst even list' FUCKING CHECK!! I band on the bars trying to make them break or anything. I have to get back to Ty. Ty. Everything comes back to me in a rush and I fall to the floor, crying my eyes out, not even noticing the two familiar people in the cell with me. "Dood what happened?" I look up with a blurry vision and see the Brotato and the spaceman. I go to speak but it just comes out as a whimper and I start to cry again.

They run over and start to try to comfort me. Key word, try. No one can help me now except Ty. My Ty. I wish he wont stay. I need him in my life. Without him I'm like an empty shell. A shell with no soul. No heart. No emotion. I'll just be a puppet with no master. I shell with no crab. I'll be empty. I'll get my Ty back. One day. I wipe my tears away and lean my head atop my knees. "What happened Adam?" Tyler asks rubbing soothing circles on my back. "Ty chose to stay here with Brandon. I dont know why he wants to. He told me he loves me and he's doing this for we can be safe. I dont understand but I dont want to I just want my Ty back" Jason sighs and hugs me tightly "I think I understand I dont know what I would do without Tyler" He says and messes Tylers hair up.

Tyler instantly went to fixing it. mumbling something around the lines of stupid boyfriend and I hate being a girl. Jason bursts out laughing and a small smile plays across my lips. "Thats the smile I like to see" Tyler says smiling, forgetting his hair. I'm about to say 'thanks' but get interrupted by a door opening and banging. I turn around and get up from my sitting position, wiping my face with the sleeve of my shirt just incase any more tears fell. I turn fully and see a smirking Brandon. "Wow isnt it amazing! Ty chose me! Just imagine Ty as my queen and the best part is you wont remember him!" I freeze. Why wouldnt I remember MY Ty? "Why wouldnt I remember MY Ty?" He chuckles darkly, which makes Tyler squick and Jason grab his hand, stepping slighty infront of him. "Because of this"Brandon brings his hand out from behind his back and blows powder on me.

I cough lightly because I breathed that shit in. Light coughs soon turned into a coughing fit. I sit on my hands and knees, grasping my neck and trying to breath. My mouth tastes like metalic iron. My head burns and I cry out in pain clutching it tightly with my hands. I see dots in my fission and can barely keep them open, the pain is just unbareable. My head feels like someone is hitting it over and over again with a pound of bricks, my throught feels like theres lava in it, and just my whole body burns and is begging me to close my eyes and shut down. Thats exactly what I do, I close my eyes and let darkness take over everything. Last I hear is an evil chuckle and bodies falls.



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