Chapter 12 Capture

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(Mitch's pov)

Today is Saturday, just a normal, boring Saturday morning and here I am in the living room on the couch with Tyler and Chris. The others are either asleep, playing Minecraft, or any other type of game, or doing whoever knows what. It's currently 9:00 in the morning and we are sitting on the couch watching spongebob. "imma go get some popcorn want somethin?" Chris asks, getting up from the couch. "Ehh I guess a coke and I want someadat popcorn" "Kk what bout you Tyler?" "Hmm, dat popcorn sounds good" "Kk" she heads into the kitchen and disappears. "so what you wanna watch now since-" I get cut off from talking by a scream, but not just any scream, Chris's scream. I look at Tyler to see him err her wide eyed as well. "was that m-" I nod and we both jump up and sprint into the kitchen to see a knocked out Chris in the arms of a squid. "HEY GIVE HER BACK!" I scream and jump for the squid but he.... disappears? Wow I jinxed it, BADLY.

Soon enough the entire team is down and Adam, for some unknown reason, looks like he's about to have a break down. "what happened?" Taylor asks. Did I mention everyone was still in their pjs and must I say Jerome looks H-O-T with no shirt on. WOW!! "ChrisgotuptogetpopcornandstuffandmeandmitchstayedinthelivingroombutweheardascreamandraninheretoseeasquidholdingaknockedoutChrisandthenitdisappearedandhereweare!" Tyler says really REALLY fast and everyone looks at her like she has four heads. "wait wait wait what? Say it again SLOWER" Sky says and Tyler nods and says it slower "Chris got up to get popcorn and stuff and me and Mitch stayed in the living room but we heard a scream and ran in here to see a squid holding a knocked out Chris and then it disappeared here we are!" "Oh ok th-" "WAIT IT DISAPPEARED?!?!" Adam screams making everyone jump from the instant scream and Bodil and Simon laugh. "Yea just dapoofed" "hmm that's weird" says Brice at the table pulling Seto to sit on his lap. "Wait did you see what color the eyes were on the squid?" i think for w minute then Tyler pips in "yea they were... purple? pink?" "They were purple" I say finally remembering the colored the eyes. "I knew it" Seto says under her breath. "what?" Asks Ty curiously. "that squid wasn't any squid but a hybrid" "meaning...." "meaning that squid was turned from human into squid" everything went silent, the only sound you could here was the slight sound of the tv playing in the living room and the popcorn popping in the microwave. "Well what now?" Asks Ian kicking off the wall, where he was snuggled up to a half awake Quentin. "well we do the only thing we can do, we get our friend back" everyone nods and we start to plan. "alright first we-"

(?? POV)

"You WHAT?!!" I yell at the top of my lungs at these idiots I all my army. "w-we didn't know m-my royal highness" "well why didn't you LOOK AT THE NAME" they all go silent "hmm that's what I thought! Now, BACK TO WORK" they all scramble to get back to work and my little sister comes running in. "BROTHER" she screams like I'm on the fucking moon, I jerk my head to look at her "does it look like I'm on the moon? I'm in front of you" I say sarcastically, she just rolls her eyes. "whatever, I wanted to talk about that plan" "alright what about it?" "I want the blond" i raise my eyebrow and ask "the blond hairs? Brice" "Yep him! I want him all to myself and I want that Mitch to suffer" a 'hmm' slips through my closed lips and a smirk shows across. "I guess we could do that, and I know just the way to make, Mitch was it?, suffer"

A small chuckle turns into laughter, then laughter turns into loud evil laughter. "I just want that Ty fellow, yes she's quite the beauty isn't she" I ask myself but of course to my disliking, my sister answers. "Ehh she condo be prettier, maybe have some blue somewhere" i growl under my breath "EAH SHUT IT! GO TO YOUR ROOM! I have something to discuss with the new sorceress I found" She nods quickly and runs off into the kind halls. I chuckle and call for the guards. "GUARDS BRING ME MY NEW SLAVE" "yes your royal highness" I chuckle lightly and watch as they bring the new slave in. "Well aren't you a pretty one" the slave glares at me and starts to struggle. "stop struggling it won't do any good" "what do you want from me" "you have magic, and that's what I need" "I'm not doing anything you tell me too" "oh don't worry I knew this was gunna happen so I got a little... Friend, if you could say, to help" "Guard bring in the jewel" the guard nods and quickly scurries off. I look back at my new prisoner and smirk at how they start to fight the chains. I just roll my eyes and chuckle. "now it's alright...,

Christina you'll only feel a slight pinch"

Genderbent Love (Skylox, Simdil, Merome, Munchinguniverse, Setosolace, and SSunkipz)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora