Chapter 6 New Look

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{Chris's pov}

I closed the door while Taylor sat Mitch down in the chair beside the desk. "alright Mitchy lets get this party started. Wait where's Naomi?" Taylor asks while looking at me questioningly. I shrug and close my eyes to find where Naomi is, I finally find her at the library. I quickly send her a mental message saying 'where are you? You're suppose to be here to help with the makeover' I see her jump almost spilling her coffee in her hands. I giggle and she replied with 'you almost made me spill my coffee. Maybe a warning is in dew next time' i laugh which makes Mitch look at me weirdly and Taylor smirk. 'yea yea get over here quickly and don't forget my book' I say remembering my book in her car from last time we went to the movies. 'yea yea im comin' I walk over to Taylor and Mitch to see Mitch looking at his phone and Taylor thinking, i think. I poke her shoulder and she turns to look at me. "alright you do clothes and I'll do make-up and when Naomi get here she'll do hair" i nod and say under my breath "στούντιο μόδας"

Means-Fashion studio in Greek

When I open my eyes a glowing glass window looking thing pops up also called a portal. I looked threw all the clothes. I couldnt find anything that would go with Mitch. I look over at Mitch and tap on her shoulder. She looks up and I ask. "Can i have your jacket real quick ill give it right back" he shrugs and says "sure why not" he takes off his jacket and hands it to me. I nod my head in thanks and go back to the portal pooling out my sewing machine and sitting it on a table. I sit on the bed and bring the table to me. I quickly start to make Mitchs jacket for feminine. I roll the sleeves up until it would be above the elbow. Then putting a button to keep it there. I cut the bottom a little bit to make it a bit shorter for it could be to the hips to her. I put a small pocket on the left side around the chest area. I smile at my work and walk over to Mitch. I grab her arm gently and pull her up. I pull her up and pull her in front of the portal. "Ok stand right here while I pick something for you to where and then you can go into the bathroom to change is that ok?" "yea thats good" She says nodding quickly. I nod in thanks again and turn towards my closet. "alright lets see" i say under my breath. I take out  a white tank top and a white bra and panties. I take a pair of dark skinny jeans and the shirt off the bed. I hand them to her and say " if the bra or panties dont fit just tell me or if you need help just call" I say and she nods and heads towards the bathroom and closes the door.

I look over at Taylor to see her on her phone scrolling threw something, probably either pintrest or the internet. I turn around to look back threw the window for clothes for the others when the door flies open and in runs Naomi. I scream and of course turn invisible. Well actually I dont turn invisible I turn into a shadow or hide in the shadows anyway, while Taylor falls out of the chair she was in. I become visible and sigh in relief that it was just her. Naomi starts to laugh and her white fluffy tail starst to sway back and forth.

Oh I forgot to tell ya Naomi has on her purple glasses, of course, a black and white jacket over a white shirt, jeans, and black boots. Her black hair is down and her bangs cover her left eyes, which is green, and the other one, which you can see, is yellow. She's also a snow fox hybrid and a witch. Naomi is the kind of girl you'd like to hang around, she's always cheerful and loves to mess with Seto, which is fun for us. Me and her always get together and play pranks on Taylor or the guys or we just go outside and play in trees or stuff ,which always ends with Naomi upside down and me falling and almost hurting myself if it wasnt for my magic. She's also very protective of her friends, which she always helps me with the drama and everythig at school. We also all play video games almost all day but Naomi loves going outside in the cold, other than that she stays inside playing games but mostly pokémon.

Genderbent Love (Skylox, Simdil, Merome, Munchinguniverse, Setosolace, and SSunkipz)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant