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"Stand up for me baby, hands at your sides." Draco didn't waste time with his orders, and Harry loved them.

Doing as the blonde said, Harry fixed his posture, slowly removing his hands from his body, letting them rest at his sides. The rush of cold air to his now fully exposed body only made him shiver, the warm stream of water at his side being the only source of heat.

"Good. So good for me."

Harry felt his body clench, dying for the blonde's attention.

"You can't touch yourself. Understood?"

Harry gulped, breathing becoming heavy, body still, hands growing the need to fidget. The brunette nodded.

"Words, Love. Use your words."

"I understand." The gryffindor breathed.


Draco tried to continue on with his orders, but he could see how hard his brunette was shaking. They couldn't continue if Harry was this shaken up.



"Can you take a few deep breathes for me?"

The blonde watched as Harry took in his first deep breath. As he shakily breathed in and out, Harry couldn't help but get frustrated with himself.


"Y-yes?" Harry tried to sound normal, but his voice ended up breaking out into a choked sob.

Draco, without hesitation, climbed out of the bath, body dripping with red water, not caring that he was naked.

Harry couldn't dare face the blonde in his wrecked state. Harry turned his body away, trying his best to avoid the blonde.

Draco opened the sliding door in a rush, shutting it behind him as to keep in the warm air.


Harry choked out yet another sob at the nickname.

"God- why do I mess everything up?!?" Harry let his arms wrap around himself, dropping to his knees in front of Draco. The blonde only crouched down after him.

"Hey, don't say that. Everyone gets nervous, it's okay-"

"No it's fucking not! Stop babying me, I'm a grown ass man!"

Though trying to sound angry, his choked sobs only made Harry sound hurt.

"I must be broken or something!"

Draco felt warm tears brimming his eyes, his chest tightening, throat feeling as though it would explode if he didn't cry.

"You. Are not. Broken. You hear me?"

"Then why the hell am I so..." Harry couldn't even explain it.

"Everybody gets nervous from time to time-"

"Yeah but it's every fucking time!"

Having enough with Harry's self deprecating, the blonde stood up, pulling Harry up with him before spinning him around and slamming him onto the shower wall. (Gently)

"I don't care about sex Harry!"

The brunette's eyes held an emotion that Draco had wished to never see again from the younger...


Sighing in frustration, Draco loosened his grip on the younger's shoulders, placing his hands gently on his waist.

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