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To those of you who paid me to read/write this... (suckers)


(9 months after Voldemort's defeat)

Over the course of the past 9 months, a Hogwarts and the wizard world have seen a great deal of change.

A new counsel was formed, consisting of a fair justice cycle. One where "mudbloods" are treated with just as much respect as those with wizard and witch parents.

Although politically, everything had been sorted out, there was one hitch. Lucius Malfoy was still at large. Voldemort's followers had been gathered up and punished accordingly, but Lucius Malfoy had managed to avoid the law.

Wanted to treason, murder, and association with the dark arts, Lucius could receive life in prison.

Though the new counsel had almost completely abolished Azkaban, being that it was far to cruel, Lucius may be one of the few who qualify to be sent there.

As for Hogwarts, the school has been closed down all summer for renovations and investigations of any and all staff members seeking to teach. Plus, a new lab has been added by the donations of wizards all around the world, in honor of Snape. May he rest in peace.

A statue of him and Dumbledore have been added to the courtyard.

With the school receiving a background checked staff, including the now headmaster McGonagall. Though she will remain a Professor, she was clearly the right person for the job, considering her brave actions during the revolution against the former council and Voldemort.

Along with renovations and a background checked staff, Hogwarts was in tip top shape, and ready to welcome students back into their doors at the end of summer.

So, without further a due, let the fanfiction begin~

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