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"So your plan was to get me drunk?"

Harry asked suspiciously as the flames dropped them into a wizard bar.

"No, of course not. It's 7:00 am."

"Then where are we going?" Harry crossed his arms, if he was going to get in trouble then he should at least know what he's risking punishment for.

"You'll see."

Before Harry could protest, Draco grabbed his arm, pulling him out of the musty bar. The two of them walked, more like were dragged in Harry's case, through the crowded streets of the wizard crowded square.

"Mind my arm please?" Harry whimpered.

"Sorry darling, but we can't be seen here together, we gotta hurry." Draco warned as the bolted through the crowd, fast enough for people to try and look to see who ran past them, but by the time they looked they were gone.

Harry ran after the frantic blonde as he delve into an ally. It smelled like death, and looked like it too. There was even a dead rat on the dirty concrete.

Harry covered his nose at the rancid smell, Draco was all to busy opening the lid to a dumpster in the far corner of the musty ally.

"The hell do you think you're doing?" Harry in a disgusted voice. Draco didn't bother answering as he climbed into the heaping dumpster.

Harry ran up to it, worried that the pile of ghastly trash bags had swallowed his boyfriend alive. Thank god Draco quickly rose back up with an outstretched hand, giving the gryffindor a heart attack.

"Climb in Darling."

"What the fuck? No!" Harry crossed his arms in disgust.

"I thought gryffindors were brave?" Draco smirked as Harry was clearly conflicted.

With an eye roll, Harry took the slytherin's hand. Without barely a time for reaction, the brunette was pulled deep into the abyss of trash.

"Malfoooooy!" Harry screeched as butterflies rose in his stomach, the feeling of falling capturing him.

He wanted to slap his boyfriend for being so careless, laughing as if this situation was funny.

Harry could hear the echoing of his voice, indicating that they were about to-

"Ow." Harry groaned as he came in contact with some type of ground.

"Sorry love." Draco dusted his trousers off and pulled his kitten up with him. Harry pushed his chest, clearly annoyed as he removed a banana peel from his shoulder.


The brunette was so blinded by annoyance that he had yet to look up at his surroundings. Draco was quick to pull out his wand and return them to their not so disheveled selves.

The brunette looked up to the nervous blonde.

"I could have done that myself you kno-"

As the gryffindor looked up, his words became stuck in his throat and his eyes became fixated on the amazing walls surrounding him. Practically everything in the room was black. The walls were a dirty white, but you could barely tell due to the dark drawings that were painted on the walls.

 The walls were a dirty white, but you could barely tell due to the dark drawings that were painted on the walls

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