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Class had, uncharacteristically, gone as planned. So far, this year there was no disturbence's: No troll's in the bathroom, no lords of darkness coming to kill them... Everything had gone suspiciously perfect.

Really, nobody was complaining. That was, until the day before the weekend vacation.

As promised, a camping trip was planned to take place in two weeks. Everyone was heading out that friday morning, coming back late sunday night. They would be "roughing it" in tents in the dark forest.

Any kids who wished not to attend, would be left behind with professors Hooch and Vector.

Over the last few weeks, the house to win the quittage tournament was awarded with picking their tent mates, regardless of their house.

Hufflepuff lost to ravenclaw, slytherin beat gryffindor.

Ravenclaw took the cake with that. Others were assigned to bunk with their dorm mates.

The banquet hall was buzzing with excitement about the trip Thursday night. Everyone was packed and ready. Cho and Luna were especially exited.

Cho and Luna had choosen to bunk with Ginny, but she was going to sneak into Dean's tent at night. Keeping it pg of course. Leaving Luna and Cho alone in the tent. The new couple couldn't have been more exited to finally get a night alone for some well needed cuddling. If ravenclaw hadn't one, they didn't know what they were gonna do.

Dean just had to figure out a way to get Draco and Harry out of his tent.


"So, how's it been bunking with four eyes?" Harry turned his head to see Crabbe glaring at him. Little did Harry know the slytherin growing angrier by the second Crabbe was staring at him. The two dorm mates had been chosen as lab partners, and Crabbe had ever so rudely leaned in, with an eager to humiliate, Goyle. Draco was seething at Crabbe's remark.

He was the only one who got to make fun of Potter.

"Atleast he's not the one named after an std." Draco snapped at him, a warning look in his eyes. As if he were ready to kill.

Crabbe just shook his head, muttering something. Goyle quickly retreating after Crabbe before Draco could do anything more, not noticing a smirking Harry beside him.

"What are you smirking at asshole? Grab your wand." Draco groaned as he went to grab his.

Harry smiled optimistically as he took out his wand, turning to his textbook page.

"Alright class, please, attempt the experiment on pages 112 to 115. I expect to see your best work, as you can see I have given you all of your necessary materials. Work with your lab partner, communication his the key. Let me know if you need any help."

The teacher started to walk around the room. Harry gulped noticing the dazed expression on Draco's face.

"Hey, were you listening?"

Draco woke from his trance, looking away from the open window.

"Yeah, 112 to 115, or whatever."

Draco shrugged, Harry watching in dismay as Draco grabbed a large beaker full of goblin drool.

"What the bloody hell are we making again?"

Harry rolled his eyes at the other.

"Liquid luck. Although our measurements have to be exact, otherwise the liquid will disappear into thin air. And if you're really not carefull, it could turn into an explosive, which doesn't do any harm, considering in just turns into basically exploding flour, but still, that's one bloody hell of a mess."

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