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Arabelle stared at the empty plate on her table as Dumbledore made his speech, announcing Snape would take place as the new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher. The Slytherin table erupted in cheers of course, she looked over to Pansy who spilled her drink as she clapped.

Draco on the other hand, was sat next to Pansy like a lifeless corpse, his face looked dull, she took it he was taking the news the same way she was. Isolating from everyone and all emotion.

As she listened to Dumbledores speech she felt an intense feeling wash over her, she couldn't tell what it was, but she felt something.

As the feeling subsided she started to feel sick, she didn't know what was going on with her.

As Dumbledore finished his speech Arabelle was the first person to get up, rushing away, Kara noticed the rush and chased after her friend, Arabelle rushed to the bathroom in the girls room and shoved her head in front of the toilet.

Arabelle violently threw up as Kara held her hair back, stroking her friends back and comforting her, Arabelle coughed and rubbed her face rushing to the sinks.

She splashed her face with water and tried to control her breathing, Kara goes to help her but Arabelle waves her hand away and shakes her head.

"I'm fine, Kar."

"You literally just threw up for like ten minutes, you need to go see Madame Pomfrey that's seriously not normal." Kara tells the girl, who shakes her head and opens the door, letting the girl follow her to the common rooms.

Kara sits down in between Blaise and Draco, shifting her eyes towards Nott and Pansy who were sat on the sofa opposite.

Arabelle was shuffling through the cupboards for something to drink, she found some cheap liquor and groaned, her expensive liquor had been replaced, why was it always her?

"You've just threw up, you can't drink!" Kara says, catching the attention of everyone in the room.

"Fucking hell, I'm fine now aren't I?" Arabelle asks, overly rude, which shocks Kara, Blaise looks at the two girls in shock and shares a look with Kara.

"How's your dad Arabelle?" Pansy says, breaking the tension with a spiteful question.

"Do you still go to dance class Pansy?" Arabelle says as she slams her bottle down, making Pansy go red in the face.

"Oh, remember when you tried to shag the dance teacher by dancing to a Fifty Shades of Grey song? Then as everyone else was doing the dance you tried to show off and fucking farted-" Arabelle laughs.

"-Or maybe the time your mother turned up to dance class drunk and offered the kids wine? Then forgot you and left?"  Arabelle says, Kara places her arm on Arabelle in an attempt to sit her down.

"Or the time you shagged my boyfriend when you were with Malfoy? Then I-" Arabelle says, cutting herself off with letting out a giggle.

"Then you what?" Pansy scoffs, Arabelle looks at Draco for a split second and laughs in Pansys face.

"Don't try be a bitch next time Parkinson, because I have millions of things I could throw in your face."

Arabelle yawns and places her glass next to the bottle on the table and makes her way upstairs to bed.

𝐓𝐎𝐗𝐈𝐂 - 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang