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Arabelle walked down the halls late at night, pacing back and forth with a book in her hand.

It had been weeks since she last had a proper conversation with anyone, she hadn't much of a reason to, other than the confusing letter she got from her mother.

She held the letter in her hand, it was stained with red blotches, wine of course, the letter contained scruffy writing, it was not like her mother to write untidily, because she was adamant on Arabelle having neat handwriting as a child.

She had spent days trying to decipher the note, ultimately figuring out that her dad had gone away with Lucius Malfoy, her mother had also sent her a crumpled up note that her father had wrote, saying he was leaving for a while, not once mentioning Lucius Malfoy.

She scans through the book, she had been learning occlumency and legilimency, she had been finishing her homework quicker than usual and trying to teach herself it, she tested it on random people walking past and she knew she was getting good.

She didn't know what she was preparing for, but she knew her gut instinct was right.

She was perched on a windowsill in the halls, hoping she wouldn't run into Filch, but she could blame that on her prefect duties.

She heard an echoed scream which made her twist her head to the sound in shock, she slammed her book shut and placed it on the side, shoving the notes in her pocket and drawing her wand out creeping towards the sound.

She looks around, waiting for a sound to be made again, she hears a shout and a clap, she rushes towards the sound, umbridges office, she rushes towards the closet next door where there was a hidden window, it was convenient being friends with the Weasley twins, they know every spot in the school.

She listened in, covering her face with her mouth as she saw Kara, Draco and Blaise all holding up her friends, well, she didn't know whether they were now.

She looked at the terrified face of Bridget as Kara held her up, she realised she had to do something.

She listened in, looking around at any opportunity she had, she heard the words cruciartus curse and looked around desperately.

Umbridge flipped a photo of Cornelius Fudge down and Arabelle drew out her wand, making the frame fall and smash.

Umbridge jumps and looks down, shuffling the pieces of glass away, she hoped this would give someone time to do something, she hears footsteps and she hops off of the shelf, hiding behind the door.

She hurries away to her common room before she could get caught and internally hoped nothing bad happened to her friends.

𝐓𝐎𝐗𝐈𝐂 - 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐎 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐅𝐎𝐘Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat